This project is a prototype that I developed in Python to demo an idea I had for a program that could automatically detect and track Snooker balls on a Snooker table. The program would therefore be able to automatically score points based upon which ball was potted.
The program allows you to configure all the settings that are used by the ball tracker, from how it detects colours to how it detects balls. It also provides features that allows you to see what the ball trackers sees.
poetry install
to install all required modules and dependenciespoetry shell
to activate the python virtual environment;sbt-image
to run the image CLI or;sbt-video
to run the main video GUIpoetry install
to install all required modules and dependenciespoetry shell
to activate the python virtual environment;python
to create single file executable (Bundles Video GUI only)dist/
The Video GUI provides an interface to allow you to configure the ball tracker in real-time as the app is processing video. Currently only supports pre-recorded video.
The Image CLI supports processing images.
sbt-image resources/images/image-1.jpg --settings resources/config/image_1.json
sbt-image resources/images/image-2.jpg --settings resources/config/image_2.json