Danuzco / nonlocality_certification

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The file codes.py contains all the codes that are implemented in the nonlocality_certification jupyter-notebook. The main routine is optimal_value(...), which optimizes the following function

$$ R=\max_{s}\frac{\mathcal{Q}(s)-\Delta \mathcal{Q}(s)+dm}{\mathcal{C}(s)+dm}, $$

with $\mathcal{Q}(s)$ and $\mathcal{C}(s)$ the Quantum and the Local Hidden values, respectively, of a Bell inequality and $\Delta \mathcal{Q}(s)$ is the experimental error of the Quantum value. This optimization requires the data stored in the experimental_data folder.

Gómez, S., Uzcátegui, D., Machuca, I. et al. Optimal strategy to certify quantum nonlocality. Sci Rep 11, 20489 (2021).