DarkShield / daProxy

Proxy boxes
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NODE_ENV=development #connects to localhost vicetest db
NODE_ENV=test  #connects to remote mongo host using 'proxytest' db
NODE_ENV=production #connects to remote mongo host using 'vicetest' db

To build and test from project root:

docker build -t proxy .
docker run -d -e NODE_ENV=test -p 5555:8080 -dns proxy #remove -d if you want to tail the logs
npm install jasmine-node
export NODE_ENV=test
./node_modules/jasmine-node/bin/jasmine-node ./docker-proxy.spec

To run in production:

docker run -d -e NODE_ENV=production -p 80:80 -dns proxy

The docker run command executes startproxy.js with pm2 in max mode. It creates a load balanced cluster with one process for each available CPU core. If you want to replicate this outside of docker just run 'npm start'.

CMD for registry

cd /docker-registry && ./setup-configs.sh && ./run.sh

Strider Custom Scripts


rm -rf ./node_modules
docker build -t proxy .
container=$(docker run -d -e NODE_ENV=test -p 5555:8080 -dns proxy)
npm install request
jasmine-node docker-proxy.spec --captureExceptions
docker stop $container

exit $result


#must have darkdocker.darkshield.io in /etc/hosts

docker tag proxy darkdocker.darkshield.io:5000/proxy
docker push darkdocker.darkshield.io:5000/proxy

manual testing To make grunt easier to configure we use some custom file names for unit tests. If you want to run the unit tests manually you will need to use the --matchall flag this tells jasmine to run all .js files it is passed ex.

jasmine-node --matchall spec/unit/proxyserver.spec.unit.js
jasmine-node --matchall spec/unit/