DarkStarSword / 3d-fixes

Stereoscopic 3D fixes using Helix mod & 3DMigoto
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Blender 4.0 breaks blender_3dmigoto.py #24

Closed leotorrez closed 9 months ago

leotorrez commented 9 months ago

Good afternoon, the recent update has removed vertex attributes in the form that are used in the plugin in favor of their attribute api. I Chat-GPT'd my way through the issue to try and find a solution myself and arrived to color_attributes.


here are the 3 functions I've updated with the suggested code. I don't comprehend in full what the tool is doing in all these steps hence why I didn't go for a pull request. But here are the 3 functions I had to update in order to make the export work once more.

# This loads unknown data from the vertex buffers as vertex layers
def import_vertex_layers(mesh, obj, vertex_layers):
    for (element_name, data) in sorted(vertex_layers.items()):
        dim = len(data[0])
        cmap = {0: 'x', 1: 'y', 2: 'z', 3: 'w'}
        for component in range(dim):

            if dim != 1 or element_name.find('.') == -1:
                layer_name = '%s.%s' % (element_name, cmap[component])
                layer_name = element_name

            if type(data[0][0]) == int:
                # Create an integer type custom vertex attribute
                layer = mesh.color_attributes.new(name=layer_name, type='INT')
                for v in mesh.vertices:
                    val = data[v.index][component]
                    # Set the integer value for each vertex
                    layer.data[v.index] = val
            elif type(data[0][0]) == float:
                # Create a float type custom vertex attribute
                layer = mesh.color_attributes.new(name=layer_name, type='FLOAT')
                for v in mesh.vertices:
                    # Set the float value for each vertex
                    layer.data[v.index] = data[v.index][component]
                raise ValueError('BUG: Bad layer type %s' % type(data[0][0]))
def blender_vertex_to_3dmigoto_vertex(mesh, obj, blender_loop_vertex, layout, texcoords, blender_vertex=None):
    if blender_loop_vertex is not None:
        blender_vertex = mesh.vertices[blender_loop_vertex.vertex_index]
    vertex = {}
    seen_offsets = set()

    # TODO: Warn if vertex is in too many vertex groups for this layout,
    # ignoring groups with weight=0.0
    vertex_groups = sorted(blender_vertex.groups, key=lambda x: x.weight, reverse=True)

    for elem in layout:
        if elem.InputSlotClass != 'per-vertex':

        if (elem.InputSlot, elem.AlignedByteOffset) in seen_offsets:
        seen_offsets.add((elem.InputSlot, elem.AlignedByteOffset))

        semantic_translations = layout.get_semantic_remap()
        translated_elem_name, translated_elem_index = \
                semantic_translations.get(elem.name, (elem.name, elem.SemanticIndex))

        # Some games don't follow the official DirectX UPPERCASE semantic naming convention:
        translated_elem_name = translated_elem_name.upper()
        if translated_elem_name == 'POSITION':
            vertex[elem.name] = list(blender_vertex.co)
            if 'POSITION.w' in mesh.color_attributes:
                w_attribute = mesh.color_attributes['POSITION.w']
                vertex[elem.name] += [1.0]
            # Handle POSITION.w attribute if available
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('COLOR'):
            color_attr_name = elem.name if elem.name in mesh.vertex_colors else elem.name + '.RGB'
            color_attr = mesh.color_attributes.get(color_attr_name)
            if color_attr:
                vertex[elem.name] = list(color_attr.data[blender_loop_vertex.index])
                if color_attr_name != elem.name:
                    alpha_attr = mesh.color_attributes[color_attr_name + '.A']
        elif translated_elem_name == 'NORMAL':
            if 'NORMAL.w' in mesh.color_attributes:
                normal_w_attribute = mesh.color_attributes['NORMAL.w']
                vertex[elem.name] = list(blender_loop_vertex.normal) + \
            elif blender_loop_vertex:
                vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(list(blender_loop_vertex.normal), 0.0)
                vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(list(blender_vertex.normal), 0.0)
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('TANGENT'):
            # DOAXVV has +1/-1 in the 4th component. Not positive what this is,
            # but guessing maybe the bitangent sign? Not even sure it is used...
            # FIXME: Other games
            if blender_loop_vertex:
                vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(list(blender_loop_vertex.tangent), blender_loop_vertex.bitangent_sign)
                # XXX Blender doesn't save tangents outside of loops, so unless
                # we save these somewhere custom when importing they are
                # effectively lost. We could potentially calculate a tangent
                # from blender_vertex.normal, but there is probably little
                # point given that normal will also likely be garbage since it
                # wasn't imported from the mesh.
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('BINORMAL'):
            # Some DOA6 meshes (skirts) use BINORMAL, but I'm not certain it is
            # actually the binormal. These meshes are weird though, since they
            # use 4 dimensional positions and normals, so they aren't something
            # we can really deal with at all. Therefore, the below is untested,
            # FIXME: So find a mesh where this is actually the binormal,
            # uncomment the below code and test.
            # normal = blender_loop_vertex.normal
            # tangent = blender_loop_vertex.tangent
            # binormal = numpy.cross(normal, tangent)
            # XXX: Does the binormal need to be normalised to a unit vector?
            # binormal = binormal / numpy.linalg.norm(binormal)
            # vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(list(binormal), 0.0)
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('BLENDINDICES'):
            i = translated_elem_index * 4
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad([ x.group for x in vertex_groups[i:i+4] ], 0)
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('BLENDWEIGHT'):
            # TODO: Warn if vertex is in too many vertex groups for this layout
            i = translated_elem_index * 4
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad([ x.weight for x in vertex_groups[i:i+4] ], 0.0)
        elif translated_elem_name.startswith('TEXCOORD') and elem.is_float():
            # FIXME: Handle texcoords of other dimensions
            uvs = []
            for uv_name in ('%s.xy' % elem.remapped_name, '%s.zw' % elem.remapped_name):
                if uv_name in texcoords:
                    uvs += list(texcoords[uv_name][blender_loop_vertex.index])
            # Handle 1D + 3D TEXCOORDs. Order is important - 1D TEXCOORDs won't
            # match anything in above loop so only .x below, 3D TEXCOORDS will
            # have processed .xy part above, and .z part below
            for uv_name in ('%s.x' % elem.remapped_name, '%s.z' % elem.remapped_name):
                if uv_name in texcoords:
                    uvs += [texcoords[uv_name][blender_loop_vertex.index].x]
            vertex[elem.name] = uvs
            # Unhandled semantics are saved in vertex layers
            data = []
            for component in 'xyzw':
                layer_name = '%s.%s' % (elem.name, component)
                if layer_name in mesh.color_attributes:
            if data:
                vertex[elem.name] = data

        if elem.name not in vertex:
            print('NOTICE: Unhandled vertex element: %s' % elem.name)
        #    print('%s: %s' % (elem.name, repr(vertex[elem.name])))

    return vertex
def blender_vertex_to_3dmigoto_vertex_outline(mesh, obj, blender_loop_vertex, layout, texcoords, export_Outline):
    blender_vertex = mesh.vertices[blender_loop_vertex.vertex_index]
    pos = list(blender_vertex.undeformed_co)
    blp_normal = list(blender_loop_vertex.normal)
    vertex = {}
    seen_offsets = set()

    # TODO: Warn if vertex is in too many vertex groups for this layout,
    # ignoring groups with weight=0.0
    vertex_groups = sorted(blender_vertex.groups, key=lambda x: x.weight, reverse=True)

    for elem in layout:
        if elem.InputSlotClass != 'per-vertex':

        if (elem.InputSlot, elem.AlignedByteOffset) in seen_offsets:
        seen_offsets.add((elem.InputSlot, elem.AlignedByteOffset))

        if elem.name == 'POSITION':
            pos = list(blender_vertex.co)

            if 'POSITION.w' in mesh.color_attributes:
                position_w_attr = mesh.color_attributes['POSITION.w']
                vertex[elem.name] = pos + [position_w_attr.data[blender_loop_vertex.vertex_index]]
                vertex[elem.name] = pos + [1.0]
             # Handling if 'POSITION.w' attribute is not found
        elif elem.name.startswith('COLOR'):
            if elem.name in mesh.vertex_colors:
                vertex[elem.name] = elem.clip(list(mesh.vertex_colors[elem.name].data[blender_loop_vertex.index].color))
                    vertex[elem.name] = list(mesh.vertex_colors[elem.name+'.RGB'].data[blender_loop_vertex.index].color)[:3] + \
                except KeyError:
                    raise Fatal("ERROR: Unable to find COLOR property. Ensure the model you are exporting has a color attribute (of type Face Corner/Byte Color) called COLOR")
        elif elem.name == 'NORMAL':
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(blp_normal, 0.0)
        elif elem.name.startswith('TANGENT'):
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad(export_Outline.get(blender_loop_vertex.vertex_index, blp_normal), blender_loop_vertex.bitangent_sign)
        elif elem.name.startswith('BINORMAL'):
        elif elem.name.startswith('BLENDINDICES'):
            i = elem.SemanticIndex * 4
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad([ x.group for x in vertex_groups[i:i+4] ], 0)
        elif elem.name.startswith('BLENDWEIGHT'):
            # TODO: Warn if vertex is in too many vertex groups for this layout
            i = elem.SemanticIndex * 4
            vertex[elem.name] = elem.pad([ x.weight for x in vertex_groups[i:i+4] ], 0.0)
        elif elem.name.startswith('TEXCOORD') and elem.is_float():
            # FIXME: Handle texcoords of other dimensions
            uvs = []
            for uv_name in ('%s.xy' % elem.name, '%s.zw' % elem.name):
                if uv_name in texcoords:
                    uvs += list(texcoords[uv_name][blender_loop_vertex.index])

            vertex[elem.name] = uvs
            # Unhandled semantics are saved in vertex layers
            data = []
            for component in 'xyzw':
                layer_name = '%s.%s' % (elem.name, component)
                if layer_name in mesh.color_attributes:
            if data:
                vertex[elem.name] = data

        if elem.name not in vertex:
            print('NOTICE: Unhandled vertex element: %s' % elem.name)

    return vertex

Apologies if this was already taking into consideration before the time of my post.

Blender 4.0 Patch Notes: https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Reference/Release_Notes/4.0/Python_API

DarkStarSword commented 9 months ago

While it is impressive that ChatGPT was able to do this conversion, as as pretty typical for it, it has made a number of mistakes that I'll need to take a closer look at when I get back home:

I also need to check what happens to the vertex layers if Blender 4.0 opens a Blender 3.x blend file

AkaShrug commented 9 months ago

seems like you can define custom attribute ? have not looked much at it

DarkStarSword commented 9 months ago

Yeah, I think this is what we should be using, the point domain should be fairly equivalent to vertex layers - looks like it was added in 3.0, so there are a number of versions where either attributes or vertex layers could be used: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/geometry_nodes/attributes_reference.html

DarkStarSword commented 9 months ago

I've pushed up a change to use custom attributes on 4.x, while retaining backwards compatibility with Blender 3.x vertex layers.

This has only been lightly tested, so please let me know if you encounter any issues with them.

DarkStarSword commented 9 months ago

Surprisingly migrating a .blend file saved with Blender 3.x to Blender 4.x appears that it might "just work", because in Blender 3.x vertex layers were already showing up in the mesh attributes, and since I haven't changed the names the script will just find them there when exporting in 4.x. That said, if anyone encounters issues doing this, it might be worth just re-importing the mesh, either from raw buffers exported with 3.x, or a frame analysis dump.