DarkStarSword / 3d-fixes

Stereoscopic 3D fixes using Helix mod & 3DMigoto
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Stereoscopic 3D Fixes

This repository tracks any fixes I make to games rendered in stereoscopic 3D using nVidia 3D Vision. Helix Mod and 3DMigoto are used to enable the fixes, see the Helix Mod blog for details on mod itself and final releases of these fixes.

Complete Fixes

Several of my fixes are in their own dedicated repository due to their size:

Works In Progress

Minor Improvements

Other Branches

There's a couple of fixes that aren't in the master branch for various reasons:



I also keep a small collection of utilities related to 3D fixes.


If you are tracking 3D fixes in git, it is recommended to add this commit hook to prevent accidentally committing a shader with a NULL byte so that git will treat them as text files and show diffs in the history.


Small python script to convert floating point numbers to hex and vice versa to get values for Helix Mod's DX9Settings.ini


Source for the auto-updating game list on the Helix Mod blog.


Python script to crawl the helix blog downloading every fix it can find and creating a database of shaders so we can look up if a particular shader has been fixed previously, as may happen with games using the same engine.


Small script to package up a game's fixes for release, replacing the symlinked dll with the real version and renaming README.md to 3DFix-README.txt. Run from cygwin, Linux or another Unix environment.


Python script to format a markdown document to fit in with the formatting on the Helix blog. Strips top level headers and downgrades second level headers to underlined paragraphs.


Custom setting names XML file for nVidia Inspector that adds friendly names for some of the stereo attributes that I've identified in each profile.


This is a python tool I've started working on to parse shaders and automate some of the process of hacking them. It's very early and the code is not very pretty. At the moment it can (this list is out of date, run with --help for all current features):


This is similar to shadertool.py, but works on HLSL shaders instead. It's feature set is more limited than shadertool:


This is a port of shadertool.py to work with DX11 assembly shaders, (but internally is more similar to hlsltool and depends on both for some common code). It's feature set is the most limited for now:


Short python script to extract the table of Stereo settings from the nVidia driver and write them to a CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml which can be used with nVidia Inspector.


Small Python module to create typical matrices for translation, rotation, scaling and projection in 3D to help me understand the maths behind them.


Python script to parse the compiled output of Unity shaders and pull out all the different variants into separate files, with headers intact.


Variant of the above for Unity 5.3 and later.


This script has been abandoned due to considerable complications in the Unreal file formats. It can extract shader names from the Arkham Knight cooked shader cache, but probably won't do anything useful in any other game. Consider using the generic_shader_extractor.py script instead.


This script can extract DX11 shaders from many games. It is known to work with all UE4 games, but not Unity or CryEngine games, and may or may not work with other games. It will not extract any additional metadata for the shaders other than what 3DMigoto can already extract, but is useful for games that only dump shaders on demand / level by level, or games that use GPU specific shaders.


Decodes the header on a DDS file and possibly converts it to PNG (conversion only supported for some DDS formats, extending support as I come across new formats, but I kind of want to rewrite the format support to be more declarative).

For use with Helix Mod: Use GetSampler1FromReg, GetSampler2FromReg or GetSampler3FromReg in a shader section of DX9Settings.ini to extract a texture passed to a shader, press F12 in game to dump it out as Tex1.dds, Tex2.dds or Tex3.dds, then use this tool to decode it's header.

For use with 3DMigoto: Use on .dds files dumped during frame analysis.


Converts an interlaced image into a jps file


This script periodically sorts all 3D screenshots into directories for the games they are from and renames them to include the date and time they were taken.

Place it in the Documents\NVStereoscopic3D.IMG directory and run it.

__shaderasm__ & shaderasm.exe

Small C++ project to assemble a shader .txt file. Used by extract_unity_shaders.py to calculate the CRC32 of shaders extracted from Unity games.


Small wrapper around shaderasm.exe to calculate a shader's current CRC32.


An alternative to Unity Asset Explorer, to extract assets (currently limited to shaders) from Unity 4 and Unity 5 games in batch.


Parses Unity asset bundle files from games that use them (currently Unity 5.3+ UnityFS LZ4 & uncompressed variants only) to extract shaders in batch. These files are conceptually similar to the files parsed with unity_asset_extractor.py, but they are distinct in that they use an additional container format, and are typically used for DLC. These may be found in the *_Data/StreamingAssets/Bundles directory of a Unity game. They contain asset files that unity_asset_extractor.py can parse, and it will automatically be called on these files. This script uses a block based on-demand decompression scheme to significantly speed up the process for larger asset bundles.


Decodes some information in the ISGN & OSGN sections of DX11 shaders.


Implements shader like semantics in Python, including registers supporting masks and swizzles using a natural syntax, and various shader instructions. Useful to prototype & debug complicated algorithms.


Decodes the given buffer extracted via 3DMigoto's frame analysis feature as both integers and floats.


User script to add a download button to images on 3D Vision Live.


Removes shaders from a Unity game in this git repository that are no longer found amongst the extracted shaders to stop a fix growing endlessly. Use only for games that people should not be running old versions of (like early access). Old shaders will still be in the git history if we need them.


This was a quick 'n' dirty means to repair the damage caused to a DX11 assembly shader by the microsoft disassembler by comparing the original and otherwise unmodified reassembled shader binaries to look for differences then patch floating point values in the assembly text to compensate. In some cases this may patch the wrong floating point value, but has worked remarkably well in practice. This script is no longer required as 3DMigoto will now auto repair assembly shaders when they are dumped.


A couple of scripts to help catalogue the driver profiles and normalise the profile format to make it easier to compare changes between driver versions.


Utility library used by shadertool and the shader database.


Provides statistics from a 3DMigoto frame analysis log.txt that may assist in selecting a suitable shader to use as a trigger to start analysis at the more interesting post-processing phase of the frame. Statistics include the percentage of draw calls and dumped render targets would be saved, as well as the total number of times each listed shader is used (not all shaders are listed), and the number of simultaneous render targets used with each listed shader (a series of consecutive shaders with a consistently high number of render targets may indicate the long and uninteresting forward rendering phase of the frame).


Scripts to statically convert .mpo and .jps files into different viewing formats and create a website displaying them, with links to switch methods.


Javascript file to embed 3D photos from 3dvisionlive.com in a web page providing links to switch between using the plugin, cross-eyed or distance viewing methods, or anaglyph.


Compute shader that can be injected with 3DMigoto to inverse arbitrary 4x4 matrices. Uses the parallel nature of the GPU to accelerate the inverse, and 3DMigoto can usually restrict this to run once per frame to minimise the performance impact. Extremely useful for inversing matrices to be passed to assembly shaders, where performing an inline inverse is complicated and error prone.


Script to rename shaders to use the bytecode hash. Requires a ShaderCache folder containing all replaced shaders dumped with their current hashes in binary form.


As above, but renames the shaders to use the embedded hash.


Updates all 3DMigoto symlinks in the current directory or subdirectories to use the latest version of 3DMigoto (which must be extracted in a directory named 3Dmigoto-x.y.z under 3d-fixes).


This directory contains a custom shader, font and the corresponding d3dx.ini sections to interpret a constant buffer as floating point values and show them live while in game. This is done entirely on the GPU and uses a geometry shader to generate the text.


Gets the Unity version of a given executable, or searches for Unity executables within a directory. Pass it SteamApps/common/* to find every Unity game in your collection.


Translates the Unity global constant buffer definition from a shader (or shaders) into a cbuffer definition for use in a HLSL shader. If multiple shaders are specified, their definitions will be collated and merged together.


Includes functions to inverse a matrix in HLSL, a convinience macro to grab a matrix out of a constant buffer with no resource description, and functions to create the usual array of translation matrices.


This directory contains test cases for whether buffers will be stereoised or not with varying combinations of bind flags and creation modes. Compare the results when running with different StereoFlagsDX10.


Addon for Blender to import meshes from 3DMigoto Frame Analysis dumps (analyse_options = dump_vb txt), and export binary vertex & index buffers suitable for re-injection.