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Official repository of the paper "Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation", WACV 2023
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Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation

Official repository for our paper, "Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation", WACV 2023.

License: CC BY-NC 4.0 arXiv: 2210.16644 webpage: CVIT video: YouTube

Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation
Darshan Singh S, Anchit Gupta, C. V. Jawahar, Makarand Tapaswi
IIIT Hyderabad


As a part of this work we introduce, AVLectures, a large-scale educational audio-visual lectures dataset to facilitate research in the domain of lecture video understanding. The dataset comprises of 86 courses with over 2,350 lectures for a total duration of 2,200 hours. Each course in our dataset consists of video lectures, corresponding transcripts, OCR outputs for frames, and optionally lecture notes, slides, and other metadata making our dataset a rich multi-modality resource.

Courses span a broad range of subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, EECS, and Economics (see Fig. a). While the average duration of a lecture in the dataset is about 55 minutes, Fig. b shows a significant variation in the duration. We broadly categorize lectures based on their presentation modes into four types: (i) Blackboard, (ii) Slides, (iii) Digital Board, and (iv) Mixed, a combination of blackboard and slides (Fig. c shows the distribution of presentation modes in our dataset). AVLectures Stats

Among the 86 courses in AVLectures, a significant subset of 15 courses also have temporal segmentation boundaries. We refer to this subset as the Courses with Segmentation (CwS) and the remainder 71 courses as the Courses without Segmentation (CwoS).

Download instructions and the dataset format

AVLectures: Download

Each course is provided as a tar file so the user can download any course of interest or download the entire dataset at once. To untar a course execute the following: tar xvzf <courseID.tar.gz>

Courses with Segmentation (CwS)

After extracting the directory structure of a CwS course would be as follows:

<clip_name>@@<segment_start_timestamp(in seconds)>@@<segment_end_timestamp(in seconds)>@@<lecture_name>

where @@ is the delimiter.

Courses without Segmentation (CwoS)


Temporal Segmentation

This code is inspired by https://github.com/antoine77340/howto100m .


There are three stages to perform lecture segmentation:

  1. Extracting features from pretrained models. Please use this wonderful repo to extract the lecture features - https://github.com/antoine77340/video_feature_extractor/tree/master

The extracted features will be uploaded here (dataset_v1_leclist.pkl and dataset_v1_helper.pkl).

  1. Once the features are extracted, we can train our joint embedding model on CwoS. Please go to code/lecture_aware_embds. You can execute the following command to train the model:
python train.py --num_thread_reader=8 --epochs=50 --batch_size=32 --n_pair=64 --embd_dim=4096 --checkpoint_dir=data/ckpt/ --avlectures=1 --we_dim=768 --BERT --avlectures_train_path='data/dataset_v1_leclist.pkl' --avlectures_helper_path='data/dataset_v1_helper.pkl' --save_every=10 --feature_dim=6144 --ocr=1 --ocr_dim=2048

Optionally, you can also finetune the model on CwS as follows:

python train.py --num_thread_reader=8 --epochs=50 --batch_size=32 --embd_dim=4096 --checkpoint_dir=data/ckpt/ft/ --pretrain_path=data/ckpt/e50.pth --avlectures=1 --we_dim=768 --BERT --avlectures_train_path='data/seg_10s15s_2d3dOCRBERT.pkl' --save_every=10 --feature_dim=6144 --ocr=1 --ocr_dim=2048

Next, we can extract the learned lecture-aware features of CwS from the checkpoint of our trained model as follows:

python extract_feats.py --we_dim=768 --BERT --eval_avlectures=1 --num_thread_reader=8 --embd_dim=4096 --pretrain_path=data/ckpt/e50.pth --avlectures_val_path='data/seg_10s15s_2d3dOCRBERT.pkl' --feature_dim=6144 --ocr=1 --ocr_dim=2048 --batch_size_val=1
  1. Once the features are extracted, we can perform clustering using TW-FINCH as follows. (Please go to code/TW_FINCH). Just execute python main.py. This will create a pickle file that will have the clusters. You can use this Google Drive folder to evaluate the quality of the generated cluster. Specifically, check out the Ecls_Ecal.ipynb colab notebook for evaluation.


If you find our dataset/code useful, feel free to leave a star, and please cite our paper as follows:

    author    = {S., Darshan Singh and Gupta, Anchit and Jawahar, C. V. and Tapaswi, Makarand},
    title     = {Unsupervised Audio-Visual Lecture Segmentation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
    month     = {January},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {5232-5241}


Darshan Singh S (darshan.singh@research.iiit.ac.in)
Anchit Gupta (anchit.gupta@research.iiit.ac.in)