Darvid-223 / news-forum

CI - Project 4
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News Forum

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Introduction & Overview

News Forum is a web application built with Django, designed for users to create, read, update, and delete posts, as well as to comment on posts. The project demonstrates the application of Python programming concepts and Django’s Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture. The platform is suitable for users who enjoy sharing and discussing news topics in a community setting.

You can view the live application here.



Article Page

Home Page

Login Page


Follow these steps to install and run the project locally:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/darvid-223/news-forum.git
    cd news-forum
  2. Create a Virtual Environment:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use venv\Scripts\activate
  3. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Create a .env File:

  5. Apply Migrations:

    python manage.py migrate
  6. Create a Superuser (optional):

    python manage.py createsuperuser
  7. Run the Development Server::

    python manage.py runserver
  8. Collect Static Files::

    python manage.py collectstatic

Wireframes & Design Process

The design process for this project followed a user-centered approach, focusing on simplicity, ease of navigation, and responsive design to ensure a seamless experience across different devices.

Design Process

  1. Wireframing:
    The first step in the design process was creating wireframes for key pages (Article Page, Home Page, Login Page, and Register Page). These wireframes helped visualize the basic layout of the site before development, allowing for clear planning of where elements like navigation, content, and user interactions would be placed.

  2. Responsive Design:
    One of the primary goals was to ensure that the layout adapts well to various screen sizes, from large desktop screens to smaller mobile devices. The wireframes reflect this with a focus on how elements like navigation menus, forms, and content blocks should behave on different devices.

  3. Consistency:
    Consistent use of fonts, colors, and layouts was emphasized to ensure that users would have a cohesive experience across all pages. The design keeps a clean look with simple navigation, making it easy for users to access and interact with posts.

  4. User Flow:
    The wireframes aimed to make the user flow intuitive, with clear calls to action on pages like the Home and Article pages. The Login and Register pages were designed to be straightforward, with minimal distractions, allowing users to quickly sign up or log in to interact with the platform.

  5. Feedback and Iteration:
    The initial wireframes were revised based on feedback to improve usability and accessibility. For example, button placements and font sizes were adjusted to improve navigation on smaller screens.


Below are the wireframes created during the design phase:

Article Page
Home Page
Login Page
Register Page


After installing and setting up the project, users can interact with the platform through the following features:

  1. User Authentication:

    • Users can register, log in, and log out.
    • Only authenticated users can create, edit, or delete posts and comments.
  2. Creating a Post:

    • Once logged in, users can create a post by navigating to the "Create Post" button.
    • Fill in the required fields (Title, Content, and Category) and click "Save" to submit the post.
  3. Viewing Posts:

    • The home page displays a list of all posts. Clicking on a post title will take the user to the detailed view of that post.
    • Users can also filter posts by category to view posts on specific topics.
  4. Commenting on Posts:

    • At the bottom of each post's detail page, users can add comments.
    • Only the author of a comment can edit or delete it.
  5. Editing or Deleting a Post:

    • Users can edit or delete their posts from the post detail page by clicking the "Edit" or "Delete" buttons.
  6. Responsive Design:

    • The application is fully responsive, ensuring that the user interface adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. You can test it by resizing your browser or viewing it on mobile devices.

Here are the steps to use the application:

  1. Start the Development Server:

    • If running the project locally, ensure that the development server is running:
      python manage.py runserver
  2. Access the Application:

    • Open a web browser and navigate to to view the application locally.
    • For the live version, visit: News Forum Live Application.

Technologies Used

The following technologies, frameworks, and tools were used in the development of this project:

  1. Python: The primary programming language used for backend logic and managing data.

  2. Django: A high-level Python web framework that handles the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture, making it easier to build the dynamic and interactive features of the platform.

  3. PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source relational database used for both development and production environments.

  4. HTML/CSS: Used for structuring the front-end design, ensuring the site is visually appealing and responsive.

  5. Bootstrap: A CSS framework used to create a mobile-first responsive layout for the website.

  6. JavaScript: Added functionality such as form validation and improved user interactions on the client side.

  7. Git & GitHub: Used for version control, enabling regular commits, collaborative development, and hosting the repository.

  8. Heroku: A cloud platform used for deploying the live version of the application.

  9. Jinja2: Template engine integrated with Django for rendering dynamic HTML pages.

  10. Font Awesome: A library for adding scalable vector icons, enhancing the website's UI with icons for navigation and interaction.

Development Process

The development of the News Forum application followed the Agile methodology, which emphasizes iterative development and continuous feedback. This approach allowed for flexibility in adjusting features based on feedback and ensured the project met the intended goals efficiently.

Key components of the Agile process included:

  1. GitHub Issues:

    • GitHub Issues was used as the primary tool for tracking tasks and managing user stories.
    • Each user story or task was logged as an issue, assigned a priority, and linked to relevant commits for easy tracking and collaboration.
  2. Continuous Integration & Deployment:

    • The project was continuously integrated into a version control system (Git), with all code being pushed to a GitHub repository.
    • Heroku was used for deployment, ensuring that the live version of the application was updated after each successful merge to the main branch.
  3. Continuous Evaluation:

    • Since the project timeline was limited, a formal sprint process was not used. Instead, I continuously evaluated the development progress.
    • Regular assessments were made to identify what was working well and what required improvement. This approach allowed for quick adjustments and ensured the project stayed on track.

By following this Agile methodology, the project was developed in a structured yet flexible manner, allowing for consistent progress while accommodating changes as needed.

Security Enhancements

The News Forum application implements several key security features to ensure the protection of user data and to mitigate common web security vulnerabilities:

  1. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection:

    • Django’s built-in CSRF protection has been enabled to prevent unauthorized commands being executed on behalf of an authenticated user.
    • This is especially important in forms where users submit sensitive data, such as login information or comments.
  2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection:

    • By using Django's templating engine, the application automatically escapes potentially harmful HTML or JavaScript, protecting against XSS attacks.
    • User inputs are sanitized before being rendered in the browser.
  3. Secure Cookies:

    • The application configures session and CSRF cookies to be sent over secure connections (SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE and CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE), ensuring these cookies are only transmitted via HTTPS in production.
  4. SSL/HTTPS in Production:

    • When deployed on Heroku, the application enforces HTTPS using Django’s SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT setting, which ensures that all traffic is encrypted between the user and the server.
    • This guarantees that sensitive information, such as login credentials, are securely transmitted.
  5. Local Development:

    • For local development, SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT and SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE are disabled to allow ease of testing without needing HTTPS.
    • This ensures a flexible development environment while keeping security tight in production.
  6. Environment Variables:

    • Sensitive information such as SECRET_KEY, database credentials, and email settings are stored securely in environment variables and not hardcoded into the project.
    • This protects these values from being exposed in the version control system.

By implementing these security measures, the News Forum application ensures that user data is protected, both in local development and in production environments on Heroku.


Unit Testing

The News Forum application includes unit tests to verify the functionality of models, views, and forms. These tests are essential to ensure that the core features, such as post creation, comment functionality, and user authentication, work as intended.

To run the unit tests, use the following command:

   python manage.py test

Manual Testing

In addition to unit tests, the following manual tests were conducted:

User Authentication:

Post and Comment Management:

Responsive Design:

Bugs and Unresolved Issues

Password Reset Functionality:

Validator Testing

HTML/CSS Validation:

Python Validation:

JavaScript Validation:

Running Tests Locally

To test the application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure all dependencies are installed:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the Django development server to manually test functionality:

    python manage.py runserver
  3. For unit tests, execute the following:

    python manage.py test

By running these tests, you can ensure that the application functions correctly in both development and production environments.


The News Forum application is deployed on Heroku for easy access and scalability. Below are the steps to deploy the application to a production environment.

Steps for Deployment on Heroku:

  1. Create a Heroku Account:

  2. Install Heroku CLI:

    • Download and install the Heroku CLI for your operating system.
  3. Login to Heroku:

    • Open your terminal and login using the Heroku CLI:
      heroku login
  4. Create a New Heroku App:

    • Inside the project directory, create a new Heroku app:
      heroku create
  5. Set Environment Variables:

    • Set your environment variables such as SECRET_KEY, DEBUG, DATABASE_URL, and email credentials for sending password reset emails:
      heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key>
      heroku config:set DEBUG=False
      heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=<your-database-url>
      heroku config:set EMAIL_HOST_USER=<your-email>
      heroku config:set EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=<your-email-password>
  6. Configure Buildpacks:

    • Heroku automatically detects the Python buildpack, but ensure it's set:
      heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
  7. Push the Code to Heroku:

    • Commit any changes and push your code to the Heroku master branch:
      git add .
      git commit -m "Deploying application to Heroku"
      git push heroku main
  8. Run Migrations:

    • Run the database migrations to set up your tables:
      heroku run python manage.py migrate
  9. Collect Static Files:

    • Collect static files for your app:
      heroku run python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
  10. Ensure Secure Settings:

    • Verify that the app is configured with the proper security settings for production:
    • DEBUG should be set to False.
    • SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE, CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE, and SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT should all be enabled for secure cookies and HTTPS redirection.
  11. Check the App:

    • Open the deployed app in your browser:
      heroku open

Additional Notes:

Following these steps will allow you to deploy the Django News Forum application successfully to Heroku.


This project is created for educational purposes and personal use. The code and materials in this project are free to explore and learn from, but are not intended for commercial use. If you wish to use any part of this project for your own work, please ensure it is for educational purposes and provide proper attribution.

Credits & Acknowledgments


Special thanks to OpenAI's ChatGPT for its invaluable support in refining the content and functionality of this project.