DasLab / Server_RMDB

RNA Mapping Database
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Display Pubmed information under PMID #43

Closed xcw0420 closed 6 years ago

xcw0420 commented 6 years ago

When an entry has a PMID (Pubmed ID), can we pull the title of the paper from pubmed and display it? For example, I added PMID 22109276 here: https://rmdb.stanford.edu/detail/GLYCFN_SHP_0005

After the detailed entry says “PMID: 22019276” can we display right underneath, the title of the paper, which is "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22109276”? For example of another database that queries pubmed to get information, look at the ‘Literature’ box here: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=1w85 .

Display the Pubmed information in the same format as on my lab’s publications page https://daslab.stanford.edu/publications/ but also include DOI and link at end: DOI:10.1038/nchem.1176

Plus, if there’s no PMID, can we not display the "PMID:N.A.” field?