DasLab / Server_RMDB

RNA Mapping Database
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RMDB RNA Mapping DataBase


This is the Source Code repository for RMDB RNA Mapping DataBase Server. The production server is freely accessible at https://rmdb.stanford.edu/.


RMDB Server requires the following Python packages as dependencies, most of which can be installed through pip.

boto >= 2.38.0
Django >= 1.9.1
django-adminplus >= 0.5
django-crontab >= 0.7.0
django-environ >= 0.4.0
django-filemanager == 0.0.2
django-suit >= 0.2.15
django-widget-tweaks >= 1.4.1
gviz-api.py == 1.8.2
MySQL-python >= 1.2.5
PyGithub >= 1.26.0
pytz >= 2015.7
requests >= 2.9.1
simplejson >= 3.8.1
Biopython >= 1.70

rdatkit >= 1.0.2

The rdatkit package is available internally at RDATKit.

The gviz-api.py is available at google-visualization-python.

The django-filemanager is a modified version of django-filemanager. The source code is available internally at this fork.

Install with:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ribokit/rdatkit.git
cd rdatkit
sudo python setup.py install

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/google/google-visualization-python.git
cd google-visualization-python
sudo python setup.py install

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/t47io/django-filemanager.git
cd django-filemanager
sudo python setup.py install

RMDB Server also requires proper setup of imagemagick, optipng, VARNA.jar, mysql.server, apache2, mod_wsgi, openssl, gdrive, awscli, and cron jobs.

Lastly, assets preparation is required for the 1st time through running sudo python manage.py versions, sudo python manage.py dist, util_prep_dir.sh, util_src_dist.sh, util_minify.sh, util_chmod.sh and manually replacing config/*.conf. For full configuration, please refer to Documentation.


To run the test/dev server, use:

cd path/to/server_RMDB/repo
python manage.py runserver

The server should be running at localhost:8000 with a python session interactive in terminal.

To generate the JSON file for one entry, use:

cd path/to/server_RMDB/repo
python manage.py make_json RMDB_ID

for all entries:

cd path/to/server_RMDB/repo
python manage.py make_json -A



Copyright © 2014-2017: Siqi Tian [t47]; 2017 Chunwen Xiong; 2017 Das Lab, Stanford University. All Rights Reserved.

RMDB Server Source Code is proprietary and confidential. Unauthorized copying of this repository, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Maintenance for RMDB ops

0. Server login and update:

1. 500 Errors:

2. AWS instance monitoring:

3. New entry actions:

4. HTTPS certificate renewal:

Things that should NOT need care (done automatically):

Keep an eye on them when fail (you get admin email notice)


Cordero, P., et al. (2012)
An RNA Mapping DataBase for Curating RNA Structure Mapping Experiments.
Bioinformatics 28 (22): 3006-3008.

by t47, March 2016.