DassHydro / dassflow2d

Data Assimilation for Free Surface Flows : Shallow-Water like systems for river networks and floodplains.
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This git repository contains the development version of DassFlow2D-Wrapped.

Table of Contents

  1. General Information.
  2. Repository organisation.
  3. Requirements.
  4. Install project.
  5. Compile and open documentation.
  6. First steps and more.

1. General information

WARNING: For the moment, dassflow2d and other versions work on Linux only.

You can clone this project to your own machine using the following command:

git clone http://github.com/DassHydro-dev/dassflow2d

Full and up-to-date documentation can be found in index.html. To open it, enter the following command in the terminal (in your repository directory):

open ./doc/SPHINX_DOCUMENTATION/build/html/index.html

2. Repository organisation

3. Requirements

3.1 For dassflow2d installation

Note: some of the modules below might already be installed on your Linux machine.

3.1.1 For the Fortran code

3.1.2 For the Python wrapped code

3.2 For SPHINX documentation compilation

In your terminal, execute the following commands:

pip install -U Sphinx
pip install numpydoc
pip install pydata_sphinx_theme
pip install sphinx-panels
pip install IPython
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex
pip install jupyter_sphinx
python3 -m pip install sphinx-autosummary-accessors

4. Install project

cd ./code
make install

Note: project installation has default parameters that you can change in Makefile.inc before installation.

5. Compile and open documentation

  1. Make sure all the requirements are met.
  2. Make sure the project has correctly been installed (see Install Project).
  3. Execute the following commands in the terminal (in your repository directory):
make clean html

6. First steps and more

Please refer to the SPHINX documentation for more information, simple test cases and further details.

You can visit our [website]() for more information on dassflow2d and other versions.