DasudaRunner / SimplePruning

cnn pruning with tensorflow.
MIT License
99 stars 11 forks source link
cnn model-pruning python tensorflow


This repository provides a cnn channels pruning demo with tensorflow. You can pruning your own model(support conv2d,depthwise conv2d,pool,fc,concat, add ops and so on) defined in modelsets.py. Have a good time!

 author Haibo     contributions welcome


Getting Started

Supported ops (Tensorflow)

Evaluation on Cifar10 dataset

Model Dataset Pruning rate Model size / MB Inference time / ms*64pic
SimpleNet cifar-10 0.5 8.7 -> 1.8 5.8 -> 2.7
VGG19 cifar-10 0.5 53.4 -> 13.5 28.62 -> 9.44
DenseNet40 cifar-10 0.5 4.3 -> 1.5 77.87 -> 39.97
MobileNet V1 cifar-10 0.5 6.6 -> 1.8 19.39 -> 8.01
OCR-Net --- 0.5 2426.2 -> 841.9 10.36->7.3

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