DatL4g / KCEF

Kotlin implementation of jcefmaven with more modern setup and depending on JetBrains/jcef
Apache License 2.0
48 stars 8 forks source link
cef jcef jcef-maven kcef kotlin kotlin-library


Kotlin equivalent of jcefmaven with a more modern setup and depending on JetBrains/jcef

Visit the JCEF repo at JetBrains/jcef and the jcefmaven repo at jcefmaven/jcefmaven


Please take a look at JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime for a full list of supported targets.

OS Arch
Linux amd64, aarch64
Windows amd64, aarch64
MacOS amd64, aarch64



This library is published to Maven Central.

repositories {


The version depends on JetBrains/JetBrainsRuntime and JetBrains/jcef.

Take a look at the releases for more details.

Kotlin DSL

dependencies {

    // or with version catalog

Version catalog

kcef = "2023.10.11.1" # put your wanted version here

kcef = { group = "dev.datlag", name = "kcef", version.ref = "kcef" }


View Compose specific usage here COMPOSE


It's recommended to initialize KCEF directly after starting the application.

This way users don't have to wait when the CefBrowser is used in another UI page.

Kotlin This is recommended to be called in a **Coroutine** with **IO** scope. ```kotlin KCEF.init( builder = { progress { onDownloading { println("Download progress: $it%") } } release(true) } ) ```
Java This is recommended to be called in a **IO** Thread. ```java KCEF.initBlocking( new KCEFBuilder().progress( new KCEFBuilder.InitProgress.Builder().onDownloading(progress -> { System.out.println("Download progress: " + progress + "%"); }).build() ).release(true), throwable -> { if (throwable != null) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } }, () -> { System.out.println("Restart required"); } ); ```

Create client

Kotlin If you listen to the `onInitialized` progress in the `KCEF.init` method, you can get the client blocking on the **Main** Thread. ```kotlin if (initialized) { val client = KCEF.newClientBlocking() } ``` Otherwise, you should run this in a Coroutine which is not using the **Main** scope. ```kotlin KCEF.newClient() ``` The above methods may throw a `CefException`, you can use the nullable equivalent instead. ```kotlin if (initialized) { val client: KCEFClient? = KCEF.newClientOrNullBlocking { throwable -> throwable?.printStackTrace() } } ``` ```kotlin /** Needs to be called in a coroutine */ val client: KCEFClient? = KCEF.newClientOrNull { throwable -> throwable?.printStackTrace() } ```
Java If you listen to the `onInitialized` progress in the `KCEF.init` method, you can get the client blocking on the **Main** Thread. ```java if (initialized) { KCEFClient client = KCEF.newClientBlocking(); } ``` Otherwise, you should run this in a new Thread. ```java /** Run in a new Thread */ KCEFClient client = KCEF.newClientBlocking(); ``` The above methods may throw a `CefException`, you can use the nullable equivalent instead. ```java if (initialized) { KCEFClient client = KCEF.newClientOrNullBlocking(throwable -> { if (throwable != null) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } }); } ``` ```java /** Should be called in a new Thread */ KCEFClient client = KCEF.newClientOrNullBlocking(throwable -> { if (throwable != null) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } }); ```


If the CefClient is no longer used, make sure to dispose it.


If you no longer need any CEF instance, cleanup up using the KCEF class.


or, if you're not sure if the KCEF.init process is finished



Some platforms require the addition of specific flags. To use on MacOSX, add the following JVM flags:

--add-opens java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.desktop/sun.lwawt=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens java.desktop/sun.lwawt.macosx=ALL-UNNAMED

For gradle project, you can configure it in the build.gradle.kts like that:

afterEvaluate {
    tasks.withType<JavaExec> {
        if (System.getProperty("os.name").contains("Mac")) {
            jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED")
            jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.lwawt=ALL-UNNAMED")
            jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.lwawt.macosx=ALL-UNNAMED")


If your application build type uses ProGuard, commonly used for release builds in Java and Kotlin applications, you have to add ProGuard rules for KCEF to work.

-keep class org.cef.** { *; }
-keep class kotlinx.coroutines.swing.SwingDispatcherFactory

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