Data-and-Trust-Alliance / DPS

The Data Provenance Standard
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Data & Trust Alliance Data Provenance Standards

HTML rendering out.html



These standards are released under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-4.0 and all code and supporting artifacts will fall under Apache 2.0.

Potential projects

  1. Examples: The 8 scenarios deeper described with a populated DPS schema
  2. Schema
  3. Application enabling editing of a metadata object


Punch List of work to do:

Convert to html

pandoc --standalone --metadata title="The Data Provenance Standard" -r gfm --css=style.css -w html -o dps.html

Convert to text

pandoc -r gfm -w plain -o dps.txt

Convert to PDF

This does not work at this point as pandoc does not have the ability to convert the SVG graphics to PDF without a helper tool. We could use a different graphic format, but svg is the most accessible and scalable form.