Data4Democracy / india-nfhs

analyze India's National Family Health Survey r.e. women's empowerment, wealth
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Slack: #p-india-nfhs

Project Description: This D4D project aims to glean insights from India's National Family Health Survey datasets. Generally around women's empowerment and wealth index issues.

Project Co-Leads / Maintainers: @lukewolcott

Contributors: (Slack handles) @lukewolcott, @rsibi, @sai, @preet, @vsridhar, @fibinse

Data:, and in this repo.


Background on the data | Motivating questions | Repo contents | Deliverables

Background on the data:

The NFHS is conducted about every 10 years. The 4th one, NFHS-4, was conducted 2015-2016 and the full datasets will be available "later this year". At the moment, state-level and district-level data are available in PDF factsheets. Debarghya Das has written scripts to scrape the district-level PDFs and pull the data into one place. This CSV file is available in our repo as nfhs-district-level.csv.

The NFHS-3, conducted 2005-2006, is available in full from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program. So are the two earler NFHSs. The datasets come from three questionnaires: female, male, and household. One must register to use this data, so we can't put it up on a public repo. Instead, it lives in a private dataset on the D4D site. Contact @lukewolcott through Slack to get access to this dataset.

Motivating questions:

Repo contents:
