DataAnalyticsinStudentHands / CombinedBackend

The goal of this repository is to eventually combine all of our backends into one place in order to decrease maintenance
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CommunityHealthWorker Backend

<<<<<<< HEAD Collection of RESTful web service implementation for Community Health Worker App functions.

The source code is developed as Eclipse Maven project using facets "Dynamic Web Project" and "Java". The backend provides a RESTful web service vie Jersey. The security is handled by Spring. We are using Tomcat as servlet container.

Tested with versions: Jersey 2.9 JDK 1.7 Tomcat 7.0

This project is a clone and extension of the VolunteerApp repository which is a clone of RESTFUL-WS and uses ACL as described there.


  1. Import the CHWApp.sql file included in the mysql directory. This includes all necessary tables for user management and acl.
  2. Change src/resources/webapp/META-INF/context.xml to connect to the database.

Changelog after Clone from VMA

This project is a clone and extension of the RESTFUL-WS and uses ACL as described there.
