DataCanvasIO / HyperTS

A Full-Pipeline Automated Time Series (AutoTS) Analysis Toolkit.
Apache License 2.0
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When I git clone the repo and pip install -e . , the setup can't work correct. #96

Closed RuixiangS closed 1 year ago

RuixiangS commented 1 year ago
def read_description(file_path=""):
    import os
    import re

    # def _encode_image(m):
    #     assert len(m.groups()) == 3
    #     pre, src, post = m.groups()
    #     src = src.rstrip().lstrip()
    #     remote_src = os.path.join(image_root, os.path.relpath(src))
    #     return f'{pre}{remote_src}{post}'

    desc = open(file_path, encoding="utf-8").read()

    # remove QRCode
    desc = "\n".join([line for line in desc.splitlines() if line.find("QRcode") < 0])

    # substitute html image
    # desc = re.sub(r'(<img\s+src\s*=\s*\")(./fig/[^"]+)(\")', _encode_image, desc)

    # substitute markdown image
    # desc = re.sub(r"(\!\[.*\]\()(./fig/.+)(\))", _encode_image, desc)

    return desc

I need to comment these code to ensure that i can install hyperTS.That's all,thanks

zhangxjohn commented 1 year ago

Sorry, where is this part of the code?

RuixiangS commented 1 year ago

Sorry, where is this part of the code?

In the, Line number: 50, def read_description():

zhangxjohn commented 1 year ago

Sorry, where is this part of the code?

In the, Line number: 50, def read_description():

This issue has been fixed. You can try again.

RuixiangS commented 1 year ago

It works out.