DataDog / kong-plugin-ddtrace

Datadog APM Plugin for Kong Gateway
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 7 forks source link
apm datadog kong plugin tracing

Datadog APM Plugin for Kong


This plugin adds Datadog tracing to Kong. It was originally based on the zipkin plugin, although it is now significantly modified for Datadog-specific functionality.


This plugin is compatible with Kong Gateway v2.x and v3.x. The oldest version tested is v2.0.5 and the newest is v3.6.1


This plugin can be installed using luarocks.

luarocks install kong-plugin-ddtrace


Kong Admin API:

# Enabled globally
curl -i -X POST --url http://${KONG_ADMIN_HOST}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'

# Enabled for specific service only
curl -i -X POST --url http://${KONG_ADMIN_HOST}:${KONG_ADMIN_PORT}/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'

Kong DB-less:

# Enable for a specific service
_format_version: "3.0"
_transform: true

- name: example-service
  - name: ddtrace
      service_name: example-service
      agent_host: datadog-agent
  - name: my-route
    - /


This plugin supports a number of configuration options. These can be supplied when registering the plugin or by setting environment variables.

More details on the Configuration page.


Test Environment

Testing can be performed using pongo. Installation instructions are here.

Prepare the environment:

export DD_API_KEY=... # your API key is required for this test to successfully submit traces from the agent to Datadog.
git clone
cd kong-plugin-ddtrace
pongo up
pongo shell

Inside the shell:

# This migration step is only required the first time after running `pongo up`
kong migrations bootstrap

export KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,ddtrace
kong start

# Create a service named example service that handles requests for and routes requests for to that endpoint.
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/ --data 'name=example-service' --data 'url='
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/routes --data 'hosts[]'
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace' --data 'config.agent_host=datadog-agent'

curl --header 'Host:' http://localhost:8000/headers

This should result in a JSON response from the final curl request, with headers containing x-datadog-trace-id, x-datadog-parent-id and x-datadog-sampling-priority. If the DD_API_KEY was correctly set, then the trace should appear at

Built-in Tests

The built-in tests can be executed by running pongo run --no-datadog-agent.

A report for test coverage is produced when run with additional options: pongo run --no-datadog-agent -- --coverage.

Issues and Incomplete features


This plugin is based on the original Zipkin plugin developed and maintained by Kong. It provided the overall architecture and a number of implementation details that were used as-is in this plugin.

The pongo tool was especially helpful in the development of this plugin. It is easy to use, very featureful and is clearly written "by developers, for developers".

For encoding datadog trace information in MessagePack, the Lua module from François Perrad ( was used as the base. Modifications were made to support encoding uint64_t and int64_t values.