DataNerd2021 / real-time-nba-stats-app

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Real-Time NBA Game Statistics App

Participants: Chase Pattee, Daymon Hansen

Project High Level Overview

Screenshot of a comment on a GitHub issue showing an image, added in the Markdown, of an Octocat smiling and raising a tentacle.

Project Description

The primary purpose of this project is to develop the following hard and soft skills:

Hard Skills

Soft Skills

Project Outline

Minimum Viable Product (MVP):

Produce a mobile application that enables users to see game plays in real-time and showcases the player on each team with the highest PIE score by each play.


MVP plus an integrated probabilistic model that predicts the game winner and outputs an inference as new plays get ingested. Stretch Goal: Become Certified in Kafka, dbt, and Snowflake by May 2025.