DataONEorg / cn-buildout

cn-buildout migrated from SVN
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d1-cn operations

CN Buildout

This directory contains tools and build artifacts associated with building the default VM for coordinating nodes. The base distribution is a KVM virtual machine instance running Ubuntu 10.04.4 with the default Ubuntu install. See the cn-packages-list.txt for a list of the deb packages that were installed at each stage of the build.

All changes to the system are handled through the Makefile in this module.

Each package that needs to be installed on the system should be added as a dependency to one of the dataone-cn-* debian packages. Once there, running 'make install' will build these packages, publish them to a local apt repository, and then install them on the system.

Please do not make manual changes or installation to the system -- we expect to be able to wipe the VM and run 'make install' to get a fully rebuilt system.

Also, please describe changes and updates to this build in the SystemConfiguration.txt log file.