DataToKnowledge / torch-lstm

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Torch LSTM for Char, Number and Sequence of Numbers

This code implements a multi-layer Recurrent Neural Network (RNN, LSTM and GRU) for training, generating and predicting character/number-level models. The algorithms learn to predict the probability of the next character/number in a sequence. In other words, it can be used to:

  1. train generative language models starting from characters
  2. train a generative time-series models starting from single observations

This code was originally based on Oxford University Machine Learning class practical 6 and from char-rnn.


This code is written in Lua and requires Torch 7. To install Torch please follow the Getting started with Torch.

After tath, to train a model you need to install the nngraph and optim packges usingLuaRocks.

$ luarocks install nngraph
$ luarocks install optim

If you like to use CUDA GPU computing platform, you'll need to install the [CUDA Toolkit]((, and then cutorch and cunn packages:

$ luarocks install cutorch
$ luarocks install cunn

If you'd like to use OpenCL GPU computing, you'll first need to install the cltorch and clnn packages, and then use the option -opencl 1 during training (cltorch issues):

$ luarocks install cltorch
$ luarocks install clnn

If you want to debug the code you can use the zbs-torch IDE .



All input data is stored inside the data/ directory. There are included two datasets:

  1. data/tinyshakespeare, and
  2. data/timeseries

Inside the directories is assumed that there is an input.txt file that contains all the input data. You can add your own data by creating a new folder inside data with a input.txt file. Text files are split character by character, while numerical files are split by line.


To train a model uses the train.lua.

$ th train.lua -data_dir data/some_folder -gpuid -1

The -data_dir flag is most important since it specifies the dataset to use. Notice that in this example we're also setting gpuid to -1 which tells the code to train using CPU, otherwise it defaults to GPU 0. There are many other flags for various options. Consult $ th train.lua -help for comprehensive settings. Here's another example:

$ th train.lua -data_dir data/some_folder -rnn_size 512 -num_layers 2 -dropout 0.5

When the model is training the checkpoint are written to the data/<dataset>/cp folder. The frequency with which these checkpoints are written is controlled with number of iterations, as specified with the eval_val_every option (e.g. if this is 1 then a checkpoint is written every iteration). The filename of these checkpoints contains a very important number: the loss.

For example, a checkpoint with filename lm_lstm_epoch0.95_2.0681.t7 indicates that at this point the model was on epoch 0.95 (i.e. it has almost done one full pass over the training data), and the loss on validation data was 2.0681. This number is very important because the lower it is, the better the checkpoint works. Once you start to generate data (discussed below), you will want to use the model checkpoint that has the lowest validation loss. Notice that this might not necessarily be the last checkpoint at the end of training (due to possible overfitting).

Another important quantities to be aware of are batch_size (call it B), seq_length (call it S), and the train_frac and val_frac settings.

  1. The batch size specifies how many streams of data are processed in parallel at one time.
  2. The sequence length specifies the length of each chunk, which is also the limit at which the gradients get clipped. For example, if seq_length is 20, then the gradient signal will never backpropagate more than 20 time steps, and the model might not find dependencies longer than this length in number of characters.
  3. At runtime your input text file has N characters, these first all get split into chunks of size BxS. These chunks then get allocated to three splits: train/val/test according to the frac settings. If your data is small, it's possible that with the default settings you'll only have very few chunks in total (for example 100). This is bad: In these cases you may want to decrease batch size or sequence length.

Parameters Description

The main parameters are:

  1. -loader: specifies the type of loader used for the dataset: Pos, Text, Series
  2. -dataDir: 'data/postagging', 'data directory. Should contain the file input.txt with input data'
  3. -model: the model to be used LTSM (for categorical values), LTSMN (for numerical values) , GRU or RNN'
  4. -layerSize: the number of neurons/cell per layers
  5. -layersNumber: the number of layers in the architecture

In the following a complete list of the parameters

cmd:option('-loader', 'Pos', 'Pos, Text, Series')
cmd:option('-dataDir', 'data/postagging', 'data directory. Should contain the file input.txt with input data')
cmd:option('-model', 'LTSM', 'LTSM, LTSMN , GRU or RNN')
-- model params
cmd:option('-layerSize', 128, 'size of LSTM internal state')
cmd:option('-layersNumber', 2, 'number of layers in the LSTM')
-- optimization
cmd:option('-learningRate', 2e-3, 'learning rate')
cmd:option('-learningRateDecay', 0.97, 'learning rate decay')
cmd:option('-learningRateDecayAfter', 10, 'in number of epochs, when to start decaying the learning rate')
cmd:option('-decayRate', 0.95, 'decay rate for rmsprop')
cmd:option('-dropout', 0, 'dropout for regularization, used after each RNN hidden layer. 0 = no dropout')
cmd:option('-seqLength', 50, 'number of timesteps to unroll for')
cmd:option('-batchSize', 50, 'number of sequences to train on in parallel')
cmd:option('-maxEpochs', 50, 'number of full passes through the training data')
cmd:option('-gradClip', 5, 'clip gradients at this value')
cmd:option('-trainFrac', 0.95, 'fraction of data that goes into train set')
cmd:option('-valFrac', 0.5, 'fraction of data that goes into validation set')
-- bookkeeping
cmd:option('-seed', 123, 'torch manual random number generator seed')
cmd:option('-printEvery', 10, 'how many steps/minibatches between printing out the loss')
cmd:option('-evalValEvery', 500, 'every how many iterations should we evaluate on validation data?')
cmd:option('-checkpointDir', 'cp', 'output directory where checkpoints get written, relative to dataDir')
cmd:option('-saveFileName', 'lstm', 'filename to autosave the checkpoint to. Will be inside checkpointDir/')
cmd:option('-initFrom', '', 'checkpoint file from which initialize network parameters, relative to checkpointDir')
cmd:option('-noResume', false, 'whether resume or not from last checkpoint')
cmd:option('-gpuId', 0, 'which gpu to use. -1 = use CPU')
cmd:option('-openCL', false, 'use OpenCL (instead of CUDA)')

Generating Text

Given a checkpoint file (such as those written to cp) we can generate new text. For example:

$ th sample.lua data/<dataset>/cp/some_checkpoint.t7 -gpuid -1

Make sure that if your checkpoint was trained with GPU it is also sampled from with GPU, or vice versa. Otherwise the code will (currently) complain. As with the train script, see $ th sample.lua -help for full options. One important one is (for example) -length 10000 which would generate 10,000 characters (default = 2000).

  1. Temperature. An important parameter you may want to play with a lot is -temperature, which takes a number in range [0, 1] (notice 0 not included), default = 1. The temperature is dividing the predicted log probabilities before the Softmax, so lower temperature will cause the model to make more likely, but also more boring and conservative predictions. Higher temperatures cause the model to take more chances and increase diversity of results, but at a cost of more mistakes.

  2. Priming. It's also possible to prime the model with some starting text using -primetext. This starts out the RNN with some hardcoded characters to warm it up with some context before it starts generating text.

  3. Training with GPU but sampling on CPU. Right now the solution is to use the convert_gpu_cpu_checkpoint.lua script to convert your GPU checkpoint to a CPU checkpoint. In near future you will not have to do this explicitly. E.g.:

$ th convert_gpu_cpu_checkpoint.lua cv/lm_lstm_epoch30.00_1.3950.t7

will create a new file cv/lm_lstm_epoch30.00_1.3950.t7_cpu.t7 that you can use with the sample script and with -gpuid -1 for CPU mode.

Happy sampling!

Predicting Text/Numbers