DataZooDE / erpl

ERPL is a DuckDB extension to integrate Enterprise Data in your Data Science and ML pipelines within minutes! ERPL connects DuckDB to SAP ecosystem via standard interfaces.
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analytics business-intelligence duckdb integration sap

Let your DuckDB quack SAP!

Disclaimer: This extension is currently in an experimental state. Feel free to try it out, but be aware that minimal testing and benchmarking were done.

With ERPL, use Enterprise Data in your Data Science and ML pipelines within minutes!

Quick Install

Install with two lines of code in DuckDB (unsigned option must be set):

INSTALL 'erpl' FROM '';
LOAD 'erpl';


★ What is the ERPL Extension?

The primary objective of this DuckDB extension is to facilitate seamless integration with the SAP data ecosystem. Our approach prioritizes:

We focus predominantly on two main use cases:

Please be aware that DataZoo GmbH is the independent developer of this extension and does not hold any affiliation with DuckDB Labs or the DuckDB Foundation. "DuckDB" is a trademark registered by the DuckDB Foundation.

Our development journey is underway, with a functioning prototype available that facilitates:

Transparency is our ethos, and in line with this, we are planning a commercial trajectory for the extension, structured as follows:

For inquiries, potential collaborations, or if your curiosity is piqued, connect with us at

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âš™ Example Usage

A first example demonstrates how to join two SAP tables with an external table. We’ll be using the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario, specifically joining the SFLIGHT and SPFLI tables which contain flight and flight schedule details respectively, with an external table WEATHER that holds weather information. We will extract flight information and associated temperatures at departure and arrival cities.

To start with, we assume you have setup DuckDB and already installed the ERPL extension (see below) and have access to an SAP system having the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario data.

First we start DuckDB with the -unsigned - flag set. Then we load the extension and configure the necessary credentials to connect to the SAP system:

LOAD `erpl`;

SET sap_ashost = 'localhost';
SET sap_sysnr = '00';
SET sap_user = 'DEVELOPER';
SET sap_password = 'ABAPtr1909';
SET sap_client = '001';
SET sap_lang = 'EN';

In our case we use the docker based ABAP Platform Trial. The credentials are set by default, details can be found in the documentation of the docker image.

Now we explore the schema of the three tables tables:

SELECT * FROM SAP_DESCRIBE_FIELDS('SFLIGHT'); | pos | is_key | field | text | sap_type | length | decimals | check_table | ref_table | ref_field | language | |------:|:---------|:-----------|:-----------------------------------|:-----------|---------:|-----------:|:--------------|:------------|:------------|:-----------| | 0001 | X | MANDT | Client | CLNT | 000003 | 000000 | T000 | | | E | | 0002 | X | CARRID | Airline Code | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SCARR | | | E | | 0003 | X | CONNID | Flight Connection Number | NUMC | 000004 | 000000 | SPFLI | | | E | | 0004 | X | FLDATE | Flight date | DATS | 000008 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0005 | | PRICE | Airfare | CURR | 000015 | 000002 | | SFLIGHT | CURRENCY | E | | 0006 | | CURRENCY | Local currency of airline | CUKY | 000005 | 000000 | SCURX | | | E | | 0007 | | PLANETYPE | Aircraft Type | CHAR | 000010 | 000000 | SAPLANE | | | E | | 0008 | | SEATSMAX | Maximum Capacity in Economy Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0009 | | SEATSOCC | Occupied Seats in Economy Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0010 | | PAYMENTSUM | Total of current bookings | CURR | 000017 | 000002 | | SFLIGHT | CURRENCY | E | | 0011 | | SEATSMAX_B | Maximum Capacity in Business Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0012 | | SEATSOCC_B | Occupied Seats in Business Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0013 | | SEATSMAX_F | Maximum Capacity in First Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0014 | | SEATSOCC_F | Occupied Seats in First Class | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E |
SELECT * FROM SAP_DESCRIBE_FIELDS('SPFLI'); | pos | is_key | field | text | sap_type | length | decimals | check_table | ref_table | ref_field | language | |------:|:---------|:----------|:-----------------------------------|:-----------|---------:|-----------:|:--------------|:------------|:------------|:-----------| | 0001 | X | MANDT | Client | CLNT | 000003 | 000000 | T000 | | | E | | 0002 | X | CARRID | Airline Code | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SCARR | | | E | | 0003 | X | CONNID | Flight Connection Number | NUMC | 000004 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0004 | | COUNTRYFR | Country Key | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SGEOCITY | | | E | | 0005 | | CITYFROM | Departure city | CHAR | 000020 | 000000 | SGEOCITY | | | E | | 0006 | | AIRPFROM | Departure airport | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SAIRPORT | | | E | | 0007 | | COUNTRYTO | Country Key | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SGEOCITY | | | E | | 0008 | | CITYTO | Arrival city | CHAR | 000020 | 000000 | SGEOCITY | | | E | | 0009 | | AIRPTO | Destination airport | CHAR | 000003 | 000000 | SAIRPORT | | | E | | 0010 | | FLTIME | Flight time | INT4 | 000010 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0011 | | DEPTIME | Departure time | TIMS | 000006 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0012 | | ARRTIME | Arrival time | TIMS | 000006 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0013 | | DISTANCE | Distance | QUAN | 000009 | 000004 | | SPFLI | DISTID | E | | 0014 | | DISTID | Mass unit of distance (kms, miles) | UNIT | 000003 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0015 | | FLTYPE | Flight type | CHAR | 000001 | 000000 | | | | E | | 0016 | | PERIOD | Arrival n day(s) later | INT1 | 000003 | 000000 | | | | E |
DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM 'WEATHER.csv'; | column_name | column_type | null | key | default | extra | |:--------------|:--------------|:-------|:------|:----------|:--------| | FLDATE | DATE | YES | | | | | COUNTRY | VARCHAR | YES | | | | | CITY | VARCHAR | YES | | | | | TEMPERATURE | DOUBLE | YES | | | | | CONDITION | VARCHAR | YES | | | |

The actual example joins this three tables:

  FROM sap_read_table('SFLIGHT') AS f
  JOIN sap_read_table('SPFLI') AS s 
  JOIN "WEATHER.csv" AS w_from
      ON (f.FLDATE = w_from.FLDATE AND s.COUNTRYFR = w_from.COUNTRY AND s.CITYFROM = w_from.CITY)
  JOIN "WEATHER.csv" AS w_to
  ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
  LIMIT 25

This SQL query performs the following operations:

The output of this query will provide a comprehensive view of the flights, including their departure and arrival cities, and the corresponding temperatures, thus offering valuable insights for flight operations analysis.

| CARRID   |   CONNID | FLDATE              | CITY_FROM   |   TEMP_FROM | CITY_TO       |   TEMP_TO |
| AA       |     0017 | 2016-11-15 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        28.3 | SAN FRANCISCO |      19.8 |
| AA       |     0017 | 2017-02-03 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        18.9 | SAN FRANCISCO |      17.2 |
| AA       |     0017 | 2017-04-24 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        14.7 | SAN FRANCISCO |      16.2 |
| AA       |     0017 | 2017-07-13 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        16.8 | SAN FRANCISCO |      22.5 |
| AA       |     0017 | 2017-10-01 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        14.6 | SAN FRANCISCO |      28.3 |
| AA       |     0017 | 2017-12-20 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        13   | SAN FRANCISCO |      21.4 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2016-11-15 00:00:00 | ROME        |        20.6 | FRANKFURT     |      24.2 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2017-02-03 00:00:00 | ROME        |        13.1 | FRANKFURT     |      24.1 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2017-04-24 00:00:00 | ROME        |        20.7 | FRANKFURT     |      24.6 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2017-07-13 00:00:00 | ROME        |        14   | FRANKFURT     |      16.3 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2017-10-01 00:00:00 | ROME        |        20.9 | FRANKFURT     |      15.3 |
| AZ       |     0555 | 2017-12-20 00:00:00 | ROME        |        23.8 | FRANKFURT     |      24.7 |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2016-11-15 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        29.7 | ROME          |      20.6 |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2017-02-03 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        23.4 | ROME          |      13.1 |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2017-04-24 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        28.5 | ROME          |      20.7 |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2017-07-13 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        19.4 | ROME          |      14   |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2017-10-01 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        19.8 | ROME          |      20.9 |
| AZ       |     0789 | 2017-12-20 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        15.6 | ROME          |      23.8 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2016-11-13 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |         9.1 | FRANKFURT     |      13.8 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2017-02-01 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        24.3 | FRANKFURT     |      23.9 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2017-04-22 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        15.8 | FRANKFURT     |      23.5 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2017-07-11 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        20.7 | FRANKFURT     |      30.6 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2017-09-29 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        16.3 | FRANKFURT     |      19.1 |
| DL       |     0106 | 2017-12-18 00:00:00 | NEW YORK    |        14.4 | FRANKFURT     |      21.8 |
| JL       |     0407 | 2016-11-17 00:00:00 | TOKYO       |        20.3 | FRANKFURT     |      20.4 |

This example can also be found in its Python, R, or NODEJS version in the examples folder.

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➜ Obtaining the ERPL Extension


Building extensions for DuckDB can be challenging due to the varying C++ compiler and library ecosystem. This variability often leads to incompatibilities between locally built extensions and the centrally distributed DuckDB binary, primarily due to differences in the Application Binary Interface (ABI).

Recommended Approach

To ensure compatibility and ease of use, we follow a build process similar to that of the DuckDB team. Our advice is to start with the pre-compiled binaries available in our GitHub releases. For those interested in building the extension themselves, our development instructions provide detailed guidance.

Binary Selection

The assets in each release follow this naming convention:


Choose the binary that matches your usage scenario. The table below summarizes the available binaries for various platforms and use cases:

Usage Operating System Architecture
DuckDB CLI Linux amd64_gcc4
Python Linux amd64
R Linux amd64
Julia Linux amd64
Node.js Linux amd64
DuckDB CLI Windows amd64
Python Windows amd64
R Windows amd64
Julia Windows amd64
Node.js Windows amd64
DuckDB CLI OSX amd64
Python OSX amd64
R OSX amd64
Julia OSX amd64
Node.js OSX amd64
DuckDB CLI OSX arm64
Python OSX arm64
R OSX arm64
Julia OSX arm64
Node.js OSX arm64

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💻 Installing the ERPL Binaries


Installation of the ERPL extension is straightforward. Please note that this extension is independent of the DuckDB Foundation and DuckDB Labs, meaning the binaries are unsigned. Consequently, DuckDB must be initiated with the -unsigned flag. Detailed instructions on this process can be found in the DuckDB documentation.

Installation Steps

  1. Enable Unsigned Extensions in DuckDB: Set the -unsigned flag as described in the DuckDB documentation.
  2. Install and Load the ERPL Extension:
    INSTALL 'path/to/erpl.duckdb_extension';
    LOAD 'erpl';

Confirmation of Successful Installation

Upon successful installation and loading, the extension will output the following message:

-- Loading ERPL Trampoline Extension. --
(Saves ERPL SAP dependencies to '/home/jr/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.2/linux_amd64' and loads them)
ERPL extension saved and loaded from /home/jr/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.2/linux_amd64/erpl_impl.duckdb_extension.
For usage instructions, visit

Understanding the Extension Loading Process

The ERPL extension is composed of two parts:

  1. Trampoline Extension: Extracts SAP Netweaver RFC SDK and SAP Business Warehouse BICS libraries from the binary.
  2. Implementation Extension: The actual functional part of the extension.

The erpl_init function in the trampoline extension bundles and extracts dependencies into the DuckDB extension folder. Post-installation, the directory ~/.duckdb/extensions/v0.9.2/linux_amd64 should contain the following files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr 110M 26. Nov 10:23 erpl.duckdb_extension
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr  34M 26. Nov 10:35 erpl_impl.duckdb_extension
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr  20M 26. Nov 10:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr  12M 26. Nov 10:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr 8,4M 26. Nov 10:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr 9,5M 26. Nov 10:35
-rw-r--r-- 1 jr jr 1,1M 26. Nov 10:35

This revised section aims for a clearer, more structured presentation of the installation process, ensuring users can easily understand and follow the steps.

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Our extension automatically collects basic usage data to enhance its performance and gain insights into user engagement. We employ Posthog for data analysis, transmitting information securely to the European Posthog instance at via HTTPS.

Data Collected

Each transmitted request includes the following information:

Event Tracking

Data is transmitted under these circumstances:

User Configuration Options

Users can control tracking through these settings:

  1. Enable/Disable Tracking:

    SET erpl_telemetry_enabled = TRUE; -- Enabled by default; set to FALSE to disable tracking
  2. Posthog API Key Configuration (usually unchanged):

    SET erpl_telemetry_key = 'phc_XXX'; -- Pre-set to our key; customizable to your own key

This approach ensures transparency about data collection while offering users control over their privacy settings.

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The ERPL extension is licensed under the Business Source License (BSL) Version 1.1. The BSL is a source-available license that gives you the following permissions:


  1. Copy, Modify, and Create Derivative Works: You have the right to copy the software, modify it, and create derivative works based on it.
  2. Redistribute and Non-Production Use: Redistribution and non-production use of the software is permitted.
  3. Limited Production Use: You can make production use of the software, but with limitations. Specifically, the software cannot be offered to third parties on a hosted or embedded basis.
  4. Change License Rights: After the Change Date (five years from the first publication of the Licensed Work), you gain rights under the terms of the Change License (MPL 2.0). This implies broader permissions after this date.

Not Allowed:

  1. Offering to Third Parties on Hosted/Embedded Basis: The Additional Use Grant restricts using the software in a manner that it is offered to third parties on a hosted or embedded basis.
  2. Violation of Current License Requirements: If your use does not comply with the requirements of the BSL, you must either purchase a commercial license or refrain from using the software.
  3. Trademark Usage: You don't have rights to any trademark or logo of Licensor or its affiliates, except as expressly required by the License.

Additional Points:

This summary is based on the provided license text and should be used as a guideline. For legal advice or clarification on specific points, consulting a legal professional is recommended, especially for commercial or complex use cases.

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