End to end AI projects
Here you can find candidates for AI projects
notJustinWu/PPGtoBloodPressure: Final Project for CS 229 - Machine Learning (Fall 2022) https://github.com/notJustinWu/PPGtoBloodPressure
DanielhCarranza/MedSearch: MedSearch is a Medical Knowledge Extraction System that incorporates Neural Search, Q&A, Summarization, etc. from the medical literature. https://github.com/DanielhCarranza/MedSearch
BARUDA-AI/Awesome-Medical-LLM: Large language model of Medical AI, General Medical AI (GMAI) https://github.com/BARUDA-AI/Awesome-Medical-LLM
KalyanM45/OpenHealth: This repository houses machine learning models and pipelines for predicting various diseases, coupled with an integration with a Large Language Model for Diet and Food Recommendation. Each disease prediction task has its dedicated directory structure to maintain organization and modularity. https://github.com/KalyanM45/OpenHealth
sparrow-platform/disease-diagnostics-engine: Sparrow AI - API for disease diagnostics https://github.com/sparrow-platform/disease-diagnostics-engine
Snehal-Reddy/MedAI: AI based Medical Assistance App https://github.com/Snehal-Reddy/MedAI
seungjunlee96/AI-for-Medicine: This repository is a summary of "AI for Medicine" lectured by Deeplearning.ai, Coursera. (https://www.coursera.org/specializations/ai-for-medicine) https://github.com/seungjunlee96/AI-for-Medicine
advikmaniar/ML-Healthcare-Web-App: This is a Machine Learning web app developed using Python and StreamLit. Uses algorithms like Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost to build powerful and accurate models to predict the status of the user (High Risk / Low Risk) with respect to Heart Attack and Breast Cancer. https://github.com/advikmaniar/ML-Healthcare-Web-App
PacktPublishing/Machine-Learning-for-Healthcare-Analytics-Projects: Published by Packt https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Machine-Learning-for-Healthcare-Analytics-Projects
gabbybaah/healthcare: Sample Healthcare projects in Machine Learning Sourced and recreated from other repositories https://github.com/gabbybaah/healthcare
Luthrout/Personalized_Medicine-Recommendation_System: This repository contains the code and data for the Personalized Medicine Recommending System project, which is a machine learning application that can assist healthcare professionals in prescribing the right medication to patients based on their individual characteristics. https://github.com/Luthrout/Personalized_Medicine-Recommendation_System
medical-ai · GitHub Topics https://github.com/topics/medical-ai
openlifescienceai (Open Life Science AI) https://huggingface.co/openlifescienceai
beamandrew/medical-data https://github.com/beamandrew/medical-data
kakoni/awesome-healthcare: Curated list of awesome open source healthcare software, libraries, tools and resources. [[[best resource]] https://github.com/kakoni/awesome-healthcare