Dateranoth / ConanExilesServerUtility

Utility for automating updates and remotely restarting Conan Exiles server.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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autoit conan conan-exiles daily-restarts game restart-server

Conan Exiles Server Utility with Remote Restart

Utility for automating updates and remotely restarting Conan Exiles server. Created and Compiled with AutoIT Originally written for use on Gamercide's Server

Automate your Conan Server Management with this Utility! Written using AutoIT with full Source available.


Conan Server Utility Features

This utility, when SteamCMD and daily restarts are enabled, will keep the server up to date on a daily basis. You can also use SteamCMD and remote restart to update the server anytime you send the restart request. If CheckForUpdate is enabled this utility will pull the latest version from SteamCMD and compare it to the local app manifest. If it finds a newer version, it will automatically restart to update the server.

A few things to note. The Game Server IP will be the IP you wish to bind to. This may be a local IP if your server is behind a router. Also, the game can take a long time to gracefully shut down. So, when the restart is initiated, the utility attempts to gracefully shut down the server. If the server will not shut down gracefully after 1 minute the process is forcefully closed. When SteamCMD is used, a full cycle from the time the command is sent to the time the server is back on line can take 10 minutes or more. Finally, the remote restart port needs to be allowed through your firewall.

Conan Remote Restart Utility Features

Running Multiple Servers on the Same Machine

Place a copy of the EXE in a different Conan_Server directory, update the INI file to make sure you have no port conflicts, and run the script. A couple of things you might want to do to help manage two or more running at once. Change the ConanServerUtility.exe names to something Utility1 and Utility2 or something like that. Also, you probably should set the Minute about 30 minutes apart from each so they are not restarting at the same time.

Using Update Check on Multiple Servers

If you plan on running multiple servers on the same machine, I suggest you create different SteamCMD folders for each server. Due to the way the update is checked, if your servers checked at the same time, it could cause a conflict. This could result in an update being missed for all servers.

Automatic mod Installation and Updates.

For it to work, you must have CheckForUpdate=yes so that the server stays up to date as well as the mods. It will automatically download any mods you put in the list when the server first starts, move them to the Mods directory, and add them to the Mods\modlist.txt file. It will then check for updates every X minutes based on UpdateInterval=X This will be the same time the server is checked for updates. If a new update is found it will notify ( if Twitch or Discord is enabled ) then restart the server. Before the server restarts, it will download each mod that needs to be updated, move them to the Mods directory, and update the modlist.txt .

The mods WILL NOT be deleted if you only remove them from the ModList. If you wish to remove a mod, you need to shutdown the server, remove the mod manually from the Mods folder and then remove the mod # from the ModList.

Finally, if you wish to start over with new mods, you should remove all mods from the mod folder AND delete conan_exiles_server\steamapps\workshop\appworkshop_440900.acf You will also want to delete this file if you remove a mod and later decide to add it again. The script uses this file generated by Steam to track mod versions.

How to Sort Mods in Specific Order

To sort mods in a specific order, simply list them in the INI file in the order you wish them to load.

Example I want to install mod ID 12345678 (conanstuff) & mod ID 87654321 (moreconanstuff) in order of moreconanstuff, conanstuff.

In the INI I fill out:


DO NOT DELETE ConanServerUtility_modid2modname.ini

How to Use RCON Notification

RCON must be enabled on server

MCRCON Is required to send RCON Notifications

How to Use Discord Bot

The Bot will announce immediately upon restart time. Notifying how long users have based on the time you set. The bot will then announce 1 minute before the server restarts. Finally, the bot will announce exactly as the restart command is sent. Announcements will be sent for Daily Restarts and Update Restarts. Remote Restarts are considered Admin controlled and immediately restart the server without notice.

[Use Discord Bot to Send Message Before Restart? yes/no]
DiscordBotName=Conan Test Bot

How to use Twitch Bot

The Bot will announce immediately upon restart time. Notifying how long users have based on the time you set. The bot will then announce 1 minute before the server restarts. Finally, the bot will announce exactly as the restart command is sent. Announcements will be sent for Daily Restarts and Update Restarts. Remote Restarts are considered Admin controlled and immediately restart the server without notice.

[Use Twitch Bot to Send Message Before Restart? yes/no]
ChatOAuth=oauth:1234 (Generate OAuth Token Here:

Using Multiple Restart Codes

You can set multiple anonymous user passwords by separating each with a comma , RestartCode=pass1,pass2,pass3

You can specify the user in the password string by separating user from password with underscore _ RestartCode=User1_Pass1,User2_Pass2

Or you can mix methods RestartCode=User1_Pass1,pass2,User2_Pass2

On the Remote Restart Utility the user will enter the full string regardless of using the username or not. The user name is there mainly for logging purposes. To trigger a restart the full string between the comma , has to match.



Hide Passwords in Log

Additionally, I have added the option to Obfuscate passwords in the log files. Currently that is done by replacing all except 4 characters starting with the 4th character with *

ObfuscatePass="no" to display full passwords in log.


ObfuscatePass="yes" and AdminPass=aPasWd123

Log displays AdminPass=***sWd1**

How to use Building Damage and Avatar Schedule

Settings and Examples

General Information on Scheduling

These settings will be honored whether the server was online when the schedule started or not. If you start the server 10 minutes before a schedule ends, it WILL enable/disable the setting on startup and then Restart the server at the end of the schedule to switch it back.

If you are using Discord or Twitch for announcements, this will delay the start and stop times of your schedule by the length of the announcement. If you have the start time set for 0500 and a Time Before restart of 5 minutes, then it will announce the intent to restart at 0500 and will restart at 0505 with the setting enabled or disabled depending on the schedule.

Finally, Daily and Update Restarts do not care what is going on with the schedule. If an update comes out 30 minutes before a schedule starts, the server will reboot to update, and then reboot again to change the setting during the scheduled time. For updates, this is obviously necessary, but you should be very careful setting Daily Restarts too close to scheduled enable/ disable times unless you want multiple restarts close together.

If IniOverwriteFix=yes The first time this is ran and a server is not running it will copy all missing settings from DefaultServerSettings.ini to ServerSettings.ini NO CURRENT SETTINGS ARE OVERWRITTEN . A backup will be created of both files and the DefaultServerSettings.ini will be deleted. This is necessary to prevent problems with settings in the default INI conflicting and often overwriting the normal settings. This will not hurt your game, and a backup will be available in the ConanSandbox\Config directory if you need it.

If IniOverwriteFix=no Schedules may or may not work, and it is possible that your server will be stuck in a restart loop. It is suggested that you leave this set to yes

Execute External Script

If enabled this will run an executable of your choosing directly before the server is updated or started.

Sample INI Settings:

[Execute External Script Before Server Start? yes/no]

Request Restart From Browser

You can now send restart commands from any Web Browser

Restart commands are now expecting HTTP headers, and can be sent to the server from a web browser using the format http://IP:PORT?restart=user_pass. The utility will respond if the password is accepted or not. There is also a limit for max password attempts. After 15 tries in 10 minutes the requesting IP will be locked out for 10 minutes.

404 Responses will be sent if the RestartKey does not match or the header is incorrect. You can enable Debugging for a full output to the log what is being received by the server if you have any trouble.

These Are the Allowed Characters in the RestartCode (Password) 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@$%^&*()+=-{}[]\|:;./?

Begin Usage Example===>

[Game Server IP]
[Use Remote Restart ?yes/no]
[Remote Restart Port]
[Remote Restart Request Key http://IP:Port?KEY=user_pass]
[Remote Restart Password]

In a standard web browser I would type in the URL The Server would compare the pass and find that it is correct. It would respond with 200 OK And HTML Code stating the server is restarting.

<===End Usage Example