Dauthdaert / chest

Multiplatform CLI command organizer, written in rust and inspired by hoard
MIT License
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# Chest

Chest is a multi-platform CLI Command organizer inspired by hoard and built in Rust.

It allows you to save commands that are too complicated or long to remember. When you add a command to chest, it remembers:

Next time you need a command, search for it using chest's search feature to quickly find it again.

Table of contents

- [Install](#install)

## [Install](#toc) Current release: 0.2.0 ### Using crates.io Set up a Rust toolchain using [rustup](https://rustupers/), then run the following command. ``` cargo install chest-rs --locked --profile=dist ``` ### Using cargo-binstall Install [cargo-binstall](https://crates.io/crates/cargo-binstall), then run the following command. ``` cargo binstall chest-rs ``` ### Using Github Releases Archive formats and script installers are available in [Github Releases](https://github.com/Dauthdaert/chest/releases). Make sure the installed executable is in your PATH.

Shell Integration

Install chest as a plugin to enable deeper shell integration.


Run the following command.

chest init nu | save ~/init-chest.nu

Then add the following to your Nushell config file.

source ~/init-chest.nu



In order to add a command to your chest database, use the following command.

chest add

You will be prompted to fill in the necessary information.


In order to update a command in your chest database, use the following command.

chest update

You will be prompted to fill in the updated information.


In order to remove a command from your chest database, use the following command.

chest remove

You will be prompted for the name of the command to remove.

A delete alias is also provided.

chest delete


Once a command has been added to your chest, there are two ways to search for it.

Non-interactive search

Using the following command, the top 5 commands that match the query are returned.

chest search <QUERY>

Interactive search

Using the following command, a TUI opens that allows for interactive searching.

chest search --interactive

Optionally, a query can be added in order to populate the search box with an initial search term.

chest search --interactive <QUERY>

Finally, if chest is installed as a shell plugin, interactive search is available through a keybinding (default Ctrl-h). Additionally, if chest is invoked through the keybinding, confirming a selection adds the selected command to your next prompt.


If you get a database error after an update, it may be necessary to reset your saved commands. You can do so using the following command.

chest reset


Open from shell


Next or previous command in list

<Up-arrow> or <Down-arrow>

Select a command


Cancel selection and close chest

<Esc> or <Ctrl-c>