DavSanchez / Nix-Relic

A collection of some infra O11y tools from New Relic packaged with Nix Flakes and accompanied by modules.
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newrelic nix


Nix Relic

Build tests

built with nix

This is a collection of some infrastructure observability tools from New Relic packaged as Nix Flakes and accompanied by NixOS and nix-darwin modules.

Usage as a flake (with FlakeHub)


Add Nix-Relic to your flake.nix:

  inputs.Nix-Relic.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/DavSanchez/Nix-Relic/*.tar.gz";

  outputs = { self, Nix-Relic }: {
    # Use in your outputs

Available packages

New Relic Infrastructure Agent

# Make it available in your shell
nix shell github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#infrastructure-agent

# or build the package and find the outputs in ./result
nix build github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#infrastructure-agent

OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (OCB)

# Make it available in your shell
nix shell github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#ocb

# or build the package and find the outputs in ./result
nix build github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#ocb

New Relic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector

# Make it available in your shell
nix shell github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#nr-otel-collector

# or build the package and find the outputs in ./result
nix build github:DavSanchez/Nix-Relic#nr-otel-collector

Available modules

It might be possible that the modules defined here reference packages that are not yet present in nixpkgs. If you encounter this problem, add this flake's default overlay to your nixpkgs.overlays config. Assuming you have named this flake input as nix-relic:

  nixpkgs = {
    overlays = [


Infrastructure agent systemd service

  services.newrelic-infra = {
    enable = true;
    configFile = ./newrelic-infra.yml;

Use the New Relic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector

A module for setting up an OpenTelemetry collector is already provided by NixOS, we only need to change it so it uses our New Relic Distribution package:

  services.opentelemetry-collector = {
    enable = true;
    package = pkgs.nr-otel-collector; # Here!
    configFile = ./nr-otel-collector.yaml;

Darwin (macOS)

Infrastructure agent launchd daemon

  services.newrelic-infra = {
    enable = true;
    configFile = ./newrelic-infra.yml; 
    logFile = ./path/to/file.log;
    errLogFile = ./path/to/errfile.log;

New Relic Distribution for OpenTelemetry Collector launchd daemon

  services.nr-otel-collector = {
    enable = true;
    configFile = ./nr-otel-collector.yml; 
    logFile = ./path/to/file.log;
    errLogFile = ./path/to/errfile.log;