DaveBerkeley / streams

Streams library for Amaranth
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Streams library for Amaranth

Streams allow interconnection between HDL blocks. They have a simple handshake mechanism to transfer data from a source to a sink.

The handshake is provided by the Source asserting 'valid' to show that the data is valid. The Sink asserts 'ready' to indicate that it has accepted the transfer.

In addition to 'valid'/'ready'; I discovered a need for 'first'/'last' signals to mark the start and end of blocks of data. I call these packets.

There has been some discussion of how Streams should be implemented in Amaranth : Stream Abstraction

I needed Streams myself, so I put together some ideas. I decided to publish this as a work in progress. I'd welcome comments on the design. I hope that this will prove useful to the design of the Streams that eventually make their way into Amaranth.

note :- When there is full Streams support in Amaranth I aim to retire this library. We don't want multiple competing designs. I hope that the design eventually adapted by Amaranth will be to some extent compatible with this library, perhaps through an adapter class.

Example Usage

Connecting a Cordic stream to a SPI DAC. The CORDIC module can be wrapped to provide an input Stream with "x","y","z" payloads and an output Stream with "x","y","z" payloads. The Cordic stream is fed by a PhaseSource which pushes incrementing phase data to its output stream.

In the class init method do :

    self.phase = PhaseSource(width, period, step)
    self.cordic = CordicStream(a_width=12, o_width=12)
    # init cmd=C_REF enable external reference
    init = to_packet([ 0xf80000ff, ])
    self.dac = AD56x8(init=init, chip="AD5628")

in elaborate() do :

    # Connect the phase source to the Cordic "z" input
    m.d.comb += Stream.connect(self.phase.o, self.cordic.i, mapping={"phase":"z"})

    # Set the Cordic x,y and DC offset defaults
    m.d.comb += self.cordic.i.x.eq(amplitude)
    m.d.comb += self.cordic.i.y.eq(0)
    m.d.comb += self.cordic.offset.eq(dc_offset)

    # Connect the Cordic sine output to the DAC's data input
    m.d.comb += Stream.connect(self.cordic.o, self.dac.i, exclude=["y","z"], mapping={"x":"data"})

Looking at the logic analyser output on the DAC's SPI lines, you can see the 0xf80000ff initialisation packet being sent as soon as the FPGA starts up. This is followed by a stream of sine data from the Cordic, setting the DAC output (0xf30XXXFF). The SpiController takes an optional init list that defines any initialisation sequence that should be sent to the device. The last flag controls the chip select, so you can define multiple word sequences if required.

Logic Analyser trace of SPI DAC init

Passing functions to connect()

Sometimes you want to perform operations on data, rather than simply copying it from stream A to B. The Stream.connect() function allows a function to be specified that can supply the operation.

For example, a MAC stage has a 28-bit output accumulator. You want to signed shift this into a 12-bit output by taking the high bits.

    # MAC has 28-bit output : (width * 2) + (bits_for(samples)-1)
    # do a signed shift back to 12-bits
    def scale(name, src, sink):
        b_src = src.shape().width
        b_sink = sink.shape().width
        shift = b_src - b_sink
        s = Signal(signed(b_src))
        m.d.comb += [ s.eq(src) ]
        return [ sink.eq(s >> shift) ]

    # join the sin/cos MAC stages to provide scaled (12-bit) x/y data
    m.d.comb += Stream.connect(self.mac_cos.o, self.join_xy.x, mapping={"data":"x"}, fn={"data":scale})
    m.d.comb += Stream.connect(self.mac_sin.o, self.join_xy.y, mapping={"data":"y"}, fn={"data":scale})

Graph Generation

I'm keen on automatic generation of documentation and I like diagrams, so I experimented with the automatic generation of interconnection diagrams using dot. It can produce examples like this :

dot diagram of Stream connections

Stream objects are shown as grey boxes, the connections between them are shown as arrows : generated if you use the Stream.connect() funtion. Elaboratable objects are shown as rounded blue boxes. The code recurses down from the top module, looking for Elaboratable or Stream objects to draw. It uses graphviz to create the graphs using dot. I hope that the automated generaton of these diagrams might find wider application within Amaranth, not just for Streams.

The code used to generate the graphs is in dot.py and is invoked (in this example) with :

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--prog", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    dut = Application()
    platform = Platform()
    platform.build(dut, do_program=args.prog, verbose=args.verbose)

    dot_path = "/tmp/ulx3s.dot"
    png_path = "stream.png"

    from streams import dot
    dot.graph(dot_path, png_path)

Stream Operations

Streams can be used for more than passing data from A to B. They can perform in-line operations, gather stats etc.

I've added ops.py to illustrate this. It contains binary operations Mul and Add (along with their signed versions). These take two inputs ('a' and 'b') and produce a 'data' output which is the product or sum of the 2 inputs. The Sum module takes an input packet, bounded by 'first' 'last' flags, and produces the sum of the inputs.

Further operations can easily be added. These allow signal processing to be performed on streams.

These can be extended to suport gnuradio style flowgraphs.

These blocks can be combined to produce more complex units : for example, a MAC unit is simply a multiplier (Mul) followed by an integrator (Sum).

MAC unit

Operations will automatically be pipelined as the valid/ready handshakes set the pace of the data flow.

Requirements for a Streams library

During the course of development of Streams I made the following observations, in no particular order.

I've implemented the following :

Very much a work in progress.