Python version of FracPaQ - software for the quantification of fracture patterns
fracpaqpy is a set of Python scripts. Each script generates one plot - e.g., a map or a histogram - that quantifies one aspect of a 2D fracture pattern. Fracture pattern data are passed to the scripts via a simple ASCII tab-delimited text file of fracture traces nodes (x,y coordinates).
For now, installation is just a simple copy of all the files in the code folder to a folder on your machine. In future, I'll make it a package installable through pip or conda.
fracpaqpy runs from the command line, i.e., a terminal session. The interface has been designed to resemble that for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT). The following packages are used in fracpaqpy: numpy, matplotlib, cmocean
For now, fracpaqpy is maintained by Dave Healy. But soon, I'll open it up for general contributions.
fracpaqpy is based on the MATLAB version of FracPaQ, written by Dave Healy, Roberto Rizzo, and others.
fracpaqpy is open source, free software; licensed under GNU GPL v3.