DaveTheCrane / electricomic-aengus

Demo electricomic based on the second adaptation of WB Yeat's "Tale of Wandering Aengus" from my book "Myths of this World"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Demo electricomic based on the second adaptation of W.B. Yeat's "The Song of Wandering Aengus" from my book Myths of this World.

The two adaptations were very much conceived as a pair. The first one was the "obvious" approach for Yeats, with lush photo-shoppy visuals, and a strong emotional element. Version two took a more cerebral, abstract look at the poem, starting up by examining it's structure, and breaking up the page into a grid, with each verse getting two rows of four panels. I then subdivided the panels with literal illustrations of each word. So we had a Romantic and a Classical approach, respectively. It sounds very serious and worthy, but there's a lot of bad puns and silliness in the second version.

I've picked it for my first Electricomic because I don't think it was successful as a one-page strip. Very few people have "got it", and I'd like to try telling it differently, in a more interactive way.

The base version of the comic, uploaded with the first commit, is just a panel-by-panel slideshow. I want to use it as a base to explore some of the following ideas:

...and probably other questions that haven't occurred to me yet.