Open c0by85 opened 10 months ago
I hope it is understandable what I want. Greetings from the inner Monk. 😉
Currently 00:37 is displayed, but the interval is set to 5 minutes, so I would have liked to see 00:35 or 00:40!
Yes, that's kind of a bug. From which page is the screenshot? I assume from the index page? Whats your configured aggregate_interval
for the chart?
I don't think the side is important, it also occurs with every diagram where what interval has been changed downwards.
Let's take [wind]
for example, the interval has been changed from 30 to 5 minutes.
aggregate_interval = 300 # 1800 # 30 minutes
another example with rain. 00:00 01:00 02:00
or 01:00 - 01:59
... would be nice.
bottom_date_time_format = "%H:%M"
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
aggregate_interval = 3600
tooltip_date_time_format = "%X"
Could you please provide your complete skin.conf? I just tested around but I could not recreate this behaviour.
Sure, nothing special.
# configuration file for the weewx-wdc skin
SKIN_NAME = Weather Data Center
# For instructions, see
data_binding = extension_1_binding # eg wx_binding
observation = obs_key # eg. outTemp
data_binding = extension_2_binding
observation = another_obs_key
# Only change this if the generated files are deployed to some
# sub-folder of your web server.
# E.g. If you are accessing your site via ""
# the base_path should be "/weewx-wdc/".
base_path = /weewx-wdc/
# Full URL to your own, custom logo (top left - works best as 32 x 32px).
#logo_image = ""
# If activated the Fontpage (index.html) will be automatically be
# refreshed in the browser every 300 seconds.
#refresh_interval = 300
# Show a link to the GitHub respository of this skin. Set to False to hide.
github_link = false
# The radar code. Full html allowed.
#radar_html = ''
radar_html = '<img src="dwd/radfilm_bbb_akt.gif?cache=none" loading="lazy">'
# The Foreacst/Radar/Webcam section heading.
#forecast_radar_heading = "Forecast & Recent radar"
# Set to True to have the Forecast tile and the radar/externals tile to have the same width.
# Default is forecast = 2/3 and radar tile = 1/3.
forecast_radar_equal_width = false
# For instructions, see
mqtt_websockets_enabled = 0
mqtt_websockets_host = ""
mqtt_websockets_port = 9001
mqtt_websockets_ssl = 1
mqtt_websockets_topic = ""
# For instructions, see
# Include various external sources (eg. webcams) here.
# description = 'This description will be shown at the Webcams/Externals page.
# [[[current_backyard_image]]]
# source = '<img src="" />'
# title = Current image
# title_long = "Webcam facing North"
# description = 'The image is updated every 80 seconds, nighttime every 100 seconds.'
# show_on_front = True
# show_on_page = True
description = "Erstellung der Bilder von der Webcam alle 5 Minuten, der Videos für die Zeitraffer, jeden Tag gegen ca. 04:00 Uhr für den Vortag."
# For instructions, see
enable = False
source = WU
num_periods = 72
num_days = 5
show_hourly = 1
show_day = 1
show_date = 1
show_outlook = 1
show_temp = 1
show_dewpoint = 0
show_humidity = 0
show_wind = 1
show_tides = 0
show_sun = 1
show_moon = 1
show_pop = 1
show_precip = 1
# For instructions, see
show_text_forecast = True
text_forecast_VHDL = xx
dwd_link =
show_pressure_map = false
show_warning_map = true
warning_map_filename = 'SchilderPD.jpg'
show_text_warnings = True
show_warnings_on_front = DR
show_forecast = True
mosmix_id = xx
show_hourly = 1
show_date = 1
show_outlook = 1
show_temp = 1
show_dewpoint = 0
show_pressure = 1
show_wind= 1
show_pop = 1
show_precip = 1
show_cloud_cover = 0
show_sun_dur = 1
carbon_icons = 0
# 'alternative' or 'classic'.
layout = 'alternative'
# Date/Time localization for charts. Available locales: de-DE, en-US, en-GB, it-IT, nl-NL.
# If not set, the value from weewx.conf (reports section) will be used. If lang = en, then en-US will be used (sorry GB!).
date_time_locale = de-DE
# These days will be shown on the year and statistics pages.
climatological_days = rainDays, summerDays, hotDays, desertDays, tropicalNights, stormDays, iceDays, frostDays
climatological_days_per_month = True
show_last_rain = True
show_most_days_with_rain = True
show_most_days_without_rain = True
show_most_rain_within_one_day = True
# What to show in the tables.
table_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windGust, windDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, appTemp, cloudbase, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8
# What to show for the stat tiles.
stat_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windDir, windGust, windGustDir, windrun, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, appTemp, cloudbase, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8
# Stat tiles: Min/Max/Sum settings.
stat_tiles_show_min = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, pressure, altimeter, snowDepth, heatindex, dewpoint, windchill, cloudbase, appTemp, rxCheckPercent, consBatteryVoltage
stat_tiles_show_max = rainRate, hailRate, snowRate
stat_tiles_show_sum = rain, hail, snow, lightning_strike_count, windrun
# Stat tiles: show time when the min/max was reached.
show_min_max_time_day = true
show_min_max_time_yesterday = true
show_min_max_time_week = true
show_min_max_time_month = true
# windDir as oridnals (N, E, S, W).
stat_tile_winddir_ordinal = True
diagram_tile_winddir_ordinal = True
# Windrose.
windRose_colors = "#f3cec9", "#e7a4b6", "#cd7eaf", "#a262a9", "#6f4d96", "#3d3b72"
windRose_show_beaufort = false
# Climatogram on year and statistics pages.
climatogram_enable_stats = True
climatogram_enable_year_stats = True
# Sensor status page.
# For instructions, see
sensor_stat_tile_observations = rxCheckPercent, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4, signal5, signal6, signal7, signal8, consBatteryVoltage, heatingVoltage, supplyVoltage, referenceVoltage
sensor_diagram_observations = rxCheckPercent, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4, signal5, signal6, signal7, signal8, consBatteryVoltage, heatingVoltage, supplyVoltage, referenceVoltage
sensor_table_observations = rxCheckPercent, signal1, signal2, signal3, signal4, signal5, signal6, signal7, signal8, consBatteryVoltage, heatingVoltage, supplyVoltage, referenceVoltage
sensor_battery_status = outTempBatteryStatus, inTempBatteryStatus, rainBatteryStatus, hailBatteryStatus, snowBatteryStatus, windBatteryStatus, uvBatteryStatus, txBatteryStatus, batteryStatus1, batteryStatus2, batteryStatus3, batteryStatus4, batteryStatus5, batteryStatus6, batteryStatus7, batteryStatus8
# Time period of diagrams (day, week, month or year).
sensor_diagram_period = week
# Computer monitor page.
# For instructions, see
computer_monitor_stat_tile_observations = cpu_user, cpu_system, cpu_temp, load1, load5, load15, mem_used, mem_free, net_eth0_rbytes, net_eth0_rpackets, net_eth0_tbytes, net_eth0_tpackets, net_wlan0_rbytes, net_wlan0_rpackets, net_wlan0_tbytes, net_wlan0_tpackets, proc_active, proc_total
computer_monitor_diagram_observations = cpu_user, cpu_system, cpu_temp, load1, mem_used, proc_active, net_eth0_rbytes, net_eth0_tbytes, net_wlan0_rbytes, net_wlan0_tbytes
computer_monitor_table_observations = cpu_user, cpu_system, cpu_temp, load1, load5, load15, mem_used, mem_free, net_eth0_rbytes, net_eth0_rpackets, net_eth0_tbytes, net_eth0_tpackets, net_wlan0_rbytes, net_wlan0_rpackets, net_wlan0_tbytes, net_wlan0_tpackets, proc_active, proc_total
computer_monitor_diagram_period = week
# For instructions, see
# Only applies when using the alternative layout.
# One of 'before' or 'after'.
gauges_display = before
# One of small, medium or large.
gauges_size = medium
tick_number = 7
arc = 1.2
offset = 20
# normal or invert
mode = normal
color_scheme = interpolateRdBu
invert_color_scheme = 1
show_min_max = 1
# For instructions, see
# ONLY enable these if you have weewx-xaggs installed!
# [[[outTemp]]]
# aggregate_types = historical_max, historical_min, historical_avg, avg_ge_1, avg_ge_2, avg_ge_3
# avg_ge_1 = 5.0, 'degree_C', 'group_temperature'
# avg_ge_2 = 10.0, 'degree_C', 'group_temperature'
# avg_ge_3 = 15.0, 'degree_C', 'group_temperature'
# show_extra_row = False
# avg_context = year, alltime
#rain = "includes/icons/barometer.svg"
#dewpoint = 3
#outTemp = 3
aggregate_interval = 3600 # 1 hour
aggregate_interval = 21600 # 6 hours
aggregate_interval = 43200 # 12 hours
aggregate_interval = 86400 # 1 day
aggregate_interval = 86400 # 1 day
#barometer = 3
label = "Climatogram"
aggregate_interval = month
bottom_date_time_format = "%b"
tooltip_date_time_format = "%B"
observation = "rain"
observation = "outTemp"
label = "Climatogram"
aggregate_interval = year
bottom_date_time_format = "%Y"
tooltip_date_time_format = "%Y"
observation = "rain"
observation = "outTemp"
label = "Temperature Min/Max/Avg"
pointSize = 3
yScaleOffset = 0.5
markerValue = 0
markerColor = "#00BFFF"
observation = "outTemp"
aggregate_type = "max"
color = "#8B0000"
observation = "outTemp"
aggregate_type = "min"
color = "#0198E1"
observation = "outTemp"
aggregate_type = "avg"
color = "#666666"
#label = 'Temperature / Dewpoint'
label = 'outTemp'
markerValue = 0
markerColor = "#00BFFF"
observation = "outTemp"
# [[[[[[dew]]]]]]
# observation = "dewpoint"
# color = "#5F9EA0"
label = 'Windchill / Heatindex'
yScaleOffset = 0.5
markerValue = 0
markerColor = "#00BFFF"
observation = "windchill"
color = '#0099CC'
observation = "heatindex"
color = '#610000'
label = 'Wind speed / Gust speed'
yScaleMin = 0
enableArea = True
areaOpacity = 0.5
curve = linear
observation = "windGust"
color = "#666666"
observation = "windSpeed"
color = "#ffc000"
data_binding = dwd_binding
label = Temperatur / Sonnenscheindauer #Sunshine / Temperature #/ Dewpoint
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
unit = minute
color = "#E3963E"
color_dark = "#E3963E"
observation = "sunshineDur"
enableArea = True
areaOpacity = 0.5
observation = "outTemp"
color_dark = "lightblue"
# [[[[[[dewpoint]]]]]]
# observation = "dewpoint"
data_binding = dwd_binding
label = Regenmenge / Regenwarscheinlichkeit #POP / Rain #/ Cloud cover
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%d.%m.%Y"
observation = "rain"
observation = "pop"
color = "lightblue"
color_dark = "lightblue"
# [[[[[[cloudcover]]]]]]
# observation = "cloudcover"
# color = "darkgrey"
# color_dark = "lightgrey"
data_binding = dwd_binding
label = Wind- / Böengeschwindigkeit
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
areaOpacity = 0.5
enableArea = True
observation = "windGust"
observation = "windSpeed"
# Diagram-type specific settings.
lineWidth = 2
pointSize = 5
isInteractive = True
enablePoints = False
enableCrosshair = False
yScaleOffset = 3
enableArea = False
areaOpacity = 0.07
# @see, at "curve".
curve = "natural"
enableLabel = False
isInteractive = True
enableCrosshair = False
yScaleOffset = 3
# Observation specific settings.
type = line
color = "#8B0000"
type = line
color = "#5F9EA0"
yScaleMin = 0
yScaleMax = 103
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#0099CC"
yScaleOffset = 1
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#666666"
yScaleOffset = 1
type = line
enableArea = False
color = "#666666"
yScaleOffset = 1
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#666666"
type = line
color = "#0099CC"
type = line
color = "#610000"
curve = "basis"
lineWidth = 0
yScaleMin = 0
yScaleMax = 360
type = line
color = "#161616"
yScaleMin = 0
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#ffc000"
aggregate_type = "max"
yScaleMin = 0
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#666666"
aggregate_type = "sum"
yScaleMin = 0
yScaleOffset = 0.25
type = bar
color = "#0198E1"
aggregate_type = "max"
curve = "linear"
yScaleMin = 0
yScaleOffset = 0.25
type = line
color = "#0a6794"
yScaleMin = 0
yScaleOffset = 300
type = line
enableArea = True
color = "#92b6f0"
type = line
color = "#C41E3A"
markerValue = 0
markerColor = "#00BFFF"
yScaleMax = 100
color = "#990033"
yScaleOffset = 0.25
color = "#666699"
yScaleOffset = 0.25
yScaleOffset = 0.25
yScaleOffset = 0.25
# Set which diagrams you want to see on the day, week month, etc pages.
# Note for alltime: if aggregate_interval is not set,
# it will be calculated automatically based on the number of days/records.
aggregate_interval = 1800 # 30 minutes
bottom_date_time_format = "%H:%M"
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
aggregate_interval = 300
aggregate_interval = 3600 # 7200 # 2 hours
tooltip_date_time_format = "%X"
aggregate_interval = 3600 # 7200 # 2 hours
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
aggregate_interval = 86400 # 1 day
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x"
aggregate_interval = 21600 # 6 hours
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x %X"
aggregate_interval = 172800 # 2 days
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x"
aggregate_interval = 172800 # 2 days
bottom_date_time_format = "%d.%m."
tooltip_date_time_format = "%x"
aggregate_interval = 1555200 # 8 days
bottom_date_time_format = "%m.%y"
tooltip_date_time_format = "%d.%m.%Y"
aggregate_interval = 1360800 # 7 days
# [[[[[rainRate]]]]]
# Diagram heights.
height = "220px"
height_md = "300px"
height_lg = "250px"
height_xlg = "225px"
height_max = "225px"
height = "220px"
height_md = "325px"
height_lg = "325px"
height_xlg = "250px"
height_max = "250px"
encoding = html_entities
search_list_extensions = user.weewx_wdc.WdcGeneralUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcStatsUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcDiagramUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcCelestialUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcArchiveUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcTableUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcForecastUtil, user.weewx_wdc.RainTags
# [[[summary_day]]]
# template = day-archive/day-%Y-%m-%d.html.tmpl
# Reports that summarize "by month"
encoding = normalized_ascii
template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.txt.tmpl
#stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
template = month-%Y-%m.html.tmpl
#stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
# Reports that summarize "by year"
encoding = normalized_ascii
template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.txt.tmpl
#stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
template = year-%Y.html.tmpl
#stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
# Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date,
# week-to-date, month-to-date, etc.
template = index.html.tmpl
template = yesterday.html.tmpl
template = week.html.tmpl
template = month.html.tmpl
template = year.html.tmpl
#stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
template = statistics.html.tmpl
stale_age = 43200 # Twice a day
template = celestial.html.tmpl
# template = sensor-status.html.tmpl
#template = computer-monitor.html.tmpl
# Other 'static' templates
template = offline.html.tmpl
template = manifest.json.tmpl
# Static pages, add as many as you want.
template = dwd.html.tmpl
title = Vorhersage vom DWD
template = externals.html.tmpl
title = Webcam & Zeitraffer
template = about.html.tmpl
title = About
template = impressum.html.tmpl
title = Impressum
# @see
day = %X
week = %x
month = %x
year = %x
rainyear = %x
current = %x %X
ephem_day = %X
ephem_year = %x
stats = %x %X
daily_archive = %d.%m.%Y
copy_once = dist/main.js, dist/main.css, plotly-custom-build.min.js, dist/live-updates.js, favicon.ico, icon-192x192.png, icon-256x256.png, icon-384x384.png, icon-512x512.png, service-worker.js, dist/assets
copy_always = dwd/*
generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator
archive_interval = 120
for weewx
This is related to your custom archive_interval
and the way the skin currently receives the data.
I will have a look at this, shouldn't be too hard to "normalize" this to get "even time details". Will put this on the list for the next release. Thank you for the info provided!
How or what do I have to adjust so that the timestamp is displayed at an "even" time? Currently 00:37 is displayed, but the interval is set to 5 minutes, so I would have liked to see 00:35 or 00:40!
I hope it is understandable what I want. Greetings from the inner Monk. 😉