Daveiano / weewx-wdc

Weather Data Center skin for WeeWX
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WeeWX Weather Data Center skin

A Skin for WeeWX, Open source software for your weather station.

Inspired by and build with the Carbon Design System. This skin uses the same technologies as Weather Data Center, a cross-platform Desktop App to import and analyze weather data, I wrote.

If you need help installing the skin, please have a look at https://github.com/Daveiano/weewx-interceptor-docker, a configured Dockerfile which I use as a base for my local PI installation.

If you like the look and feel of the skin please consider having a look at the original Weather Data Center. If you like the skin, please consider giving it a star!

Key Features



Classic layout Alternative layout
![Screenshot](https://public-images-social.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/weewx-wdc-classic-01.png) ![Screenshot](https://public-images-social.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/weewx-wdc-01.png)


Requires WeeWX >= 4.9 and Python >= 3.7

  1. Download the latest version
wget -O "/tmp/weewx-wdc.zip" https://github.com/Daveiano/weewx-wdc/releases/download/v3.5.1/weewx-wdc-v3.5.1.zip
  1. Create a new folder and unzip to that folder
mkdir /tmp/weewx-wdc/
unzip /tmp/weewx-wdc.zip -d /tmp/weewx-wdc/
  1. Install the extension:

    weectl extension install -y /tmp/weewx-wdc/

  2. Restart weewx

For help, please have a look at the official weewx documentation.

Please note: For installation, please use the generated zip archive from a release, eg. https://github.com/Daveiano/weewx-wdc/releases/download/v3.5.1/weewx-wdc-v3.5.1.zip. Don't download the repository directly and don't use the GitHub generated zip and tar.gz archives that come alongside the release. Always use the zip archive named weewx-wdc-vX.X.X.zip

Background: The files in the src/ directory are the source files (TypeScript, SCSS). When creating a release, these source files get transformed and optimized, and the output location of these transformed files is the location which matches the location in the install.py script. The weewx-wdc-vX.X.X.zip should contain all these transformed files (like service-worker.js or main.css), but if you download the current state of the repo, these files are not included and this will throw multiple FileNotFoundError errors while installing. For manual building of these files, see Development.

Updating the skin

Note: Please have a look at the wiki for help on persisting changes made to the skin.conf between updates.

When updating the skin to the latest version:

  1. Uninstall the skin

    weectl extension uninstall -y weewx-wdc

  2. Remove all generated content from your weewx html directory

    rm -rf /var/www/html/weewx (or whatever your output directory may be)

  3. Do all 4 steps from the Installation guide

  4. Run the reports to re-generate the html files

    weectl report run WdcReport


For detailed information on how to configure the skin.conf or how to add a page with its own generated content, please have a look at the Projects Wiki. It also covers some other important things like a FAQ or a guide to add weewx-mqtt.

Free Software

This skin uses only free software. You can read more about Carbon IBM (licensed under the Apache-2.0 license) here: https://carbondesignsystem.com/contributing/overview/#introduction. nivo is licensed under the MIT license.


Thanks to ngulden for the niculskin and neoground for the neowx-material skin. Both are amazing skins and gave me a basic understanding of creating a weewx skin.

The config, NOAA Reports and some templating ideas and concepts are based on the original Standard and Seasons weewx skins by Tom Keffer and the weewx contributors.

Thanks to vince for the great lastrain-extension! The code of the Search list extension is completely based on his extension.

Thanks to Pat O'Brien for the basic concept of the code to get the most consecutive days with/without rain!