Daveiano / weewx-wdc

Weather Data Center skin for WeeWX
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 14 forks source link

Since update from 2.20 to 2.3.1 no diagram will be generat [BUG] #97

Closed jernst01 closed 2 years ago

jernst01 commented 2 years ago

Since my update from 2.2.0 to 2.3.1 no diagram will be generated. I did everything what is to do in your description include 'wee_import'

See here: https://www.juergen-ernst.com/bhw/index.html On attache the skin.conf:

configuration file for the weewx-wdc skin

SKIN_NAME = Weather Data Center SKIN_VERSION = 2.3.1


Show a link to the GitHub respository of this skin. Set to False to hide.

github_link = True

# The radar image ( or .gif).
radar_img = https://www.dwd.de/DWD/wetter/radar/radfilm_nib_akt.gif
# This URL will be used as the image hyperlink:
radar_url = https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radarbild_film/radarbild_film.html
radar_heading = Recent radar

    enable = True

    source = WU
    num_periods = 72
    num_days = 5
    # Todo: Does not make sense?
    show_legend = 1
    show_hourly = 0
    show_day = 1
    show_date = 1
    show_outlook = 1
    show_temp = 1
    show_dewpoint = 0
    show_humidity = 0
    show_wind = 1
    show_tides = 0
    show_sun = 1
    show_moon = 1
    show_pop = 1
    show_precip = 1
    show_obvis = 0

   show_text_forecast = True
   text_forecast_VHDL = DWLG
   dwd_link = https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/wetterundklima_vorort/niedersachsen_bremen/nib_node.html
   show_pressure_map = True
   show_warning_map = True
   warning_map_filename = 'SchilderLZ.jpg'
   show_text_warnings = True
   show_warnings_on_front = True
   show_forecast = True
   mosmix_id = 16102
       show_hourly = 1
       show_date = 1
       show_outlook = 1
       show_temp = 1
       show_dewpoint = 1
       show_pressure = 1
       show_wind= 1
       show_pop = 1
       show_precip = 1
       show_cloud_cover = 1
       show_sun_dur = 1
       carbon_icons = 0

[DisplayOptions] layout = 'alternative' climatological_days = rainDays, summerDays, hotDays, desertDays, tropicalNights, stormDays, iceDays, frostDays table_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windGust, windDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, UV, ET, radiation, appTemp, cloudbase,soilMoist1, soilMoist2, soilMoist3, soilMoist4, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8, inTemp stat_tile_observations = outTemp, outHumidity, barometer, windSpeed, windDir, windGust, windGustDir, rain, rainRate, snowDepth, dewpoint, windchill, heatindex, UV, ET, radiation, appTemp, cloudbase,soilMoist1, soilMoist2, soilMoist3, soilMoist4, extraTemp1, extraHumid1, extraTemp2, extraHumid2, extraTemp3, extraHumid3, extraTemp4, extraHumid4, extraTemp5, extraHumid5, extraTemp6, extraHumid6, extraTemp7, extraHumid7, extraTemp8, extraHumid8,inTemp diagram_tile_observations = temp_min_max_avg, tempdew, outHumidity, barometer, windchill_heatindex, wind, windDir, windRose, rain,soilMoist, rainRate, snowDepth, UV, ET, radiation, cloudbase, appTemp, inTemp stat_tile_winddir_ordinal = True diagram_tile_winddir_ordinal = True show_min_max_time_day = True show_min_max_time_yesterday = True show_min_max_time_week = True show_min_max_time_month = True windRose_colors = "#f3cec9", "#e7a4b6", "#cd7eaf", "#a262a9", "#6f4d96", "#3d3b72" windRose_show_beaufort = True

        aggregate_interval = 3600  # 1 hour
        aggregate_interval = 21600  # 6 hours
        aggregate_interval = 43200  # 12 hours
        aggregate_interval = 86400  # 1 day
        aggregate_interval = 86400  # 1 day

# aggregate_type is only configurable per observatrion (eg. UV or rainRate), not per context (eg. week or month).
# aggregate_interval is only configurable per context, not per observation in general.
            label = "Temperature Min/Max/Avg"
            pointSize = 3
            yScaleOffset = 0.5
                    observation = "outTemp"
                    aggregate_type = "min"
                    color = "#0198E1"
                    observation = "outTemp"
                    aggregate_type = "avg"
                    color = "#666666"
                    observation = "outTemp"
                    aggregate_type = "max"
                    color = "#8B0000"
            label = 'Temperature / Dewpoint'
                    observation = "outTemp"
                    observation = "dewpoint"

            label = 'Windchill / Heatindex'
            yScaleOffset = 0.5
                    observation = "windchill"
                    color = '#0099CC'
                    observation = "heatindex"
                    color = '#610000'

            label = 'Wind speed / Gust speed'
                    observation = "windSpeed"
                    observation = "windGust"

            label = 'Bodenfeuchte'       
                    observation = "soilMoist1"
                    color = '#610000'
                      observation = "soilMoist2"
                      color = '#0099CC'

            label = 'Temp: KüKa, Auss, Spibo'       
                    observation = "extraTemp1"
                    color = '#610000'
                      observation = "inTemp"
                      color = '#0099CC'         
                      observation = "outTemp"
                      color = '#00FF00'

    # Diagram-type specific settings.
        lineWidth = 2
        pointSize = 5
        isInteractive = True
        enablePoints = True
        enableCrosshair = True
        yScaleOffset = 3
        # @see https://github.com/plouc/nivo/blob/master/packages/line/index.d.ts#L144
        curve = "natural"
        enableLabel = False
        isInteractive = True
        yScaleOffset = 3

    # Observation specific settings.
        yScaleMin = 0
        yScaleOffset = 300
        curve = "basis"
        lineWidth = 0
        yScaleMin = 0
        yScaleMax = 360
        yScaleMin = 0
        aggregate_type = "max"
        yScaleMin = 0
        curve = "basis"
        yScaleMin = 0
        aggregate_type = "max"
        curve = "step"
        yScaleMin = 0
        yScaleOffset = 1
        aggregate_type = "sum"
        yScaleOffset = 0.25
        aggregate_type = "max"
        curve = "linear"
        yScaleMin = 0
        yScaleOffset = 0.25
        yScaleMin = 0
        yScaleMax = 103
        aggregate_type = "sum"
        yScaleOffset = 0.02
        yScaleOffset = 1
        yScaleOffset = 1
        yScaleOffset = 1

    # Context specific settings, alltime: if not set, will be calculated.
        aggregate_interval = 1800 # 30 minutes
            aggregate_interval = 7200  # 2 hours
            aggregate_interval = 7200  # 2 hours

        aggregate_interval = 7200  # 2 hours
            aggregate_interval = 86400  # 1 day
            aggregate_interval = 86400  # 1 day

        aggregate_interval = 21600  # 6 hours
            aggregate_interval = 172800  # 2 days
            aggregate_interval = 172800  # 2 days

        aggregate_interval = 172800  # 2 days
            aggregate_interval = 1555200  # 8 days
            aggregate_interval = 1555200  # 8 days

    # Diagram heights.
            height = "220px"
            height_md = "300px"
            height_lg = "250px"
            height_xlg = "225px"
            height_max = "225px"
            height = "220px"
            height_md = "325px"
            height_lg = "325px"
            height_xlg = "250px"
            height_max = "250px"

[CheetahGenerator] encoding = html_entities search_list_extensions = user.weewx_wdc.WdcGeneralUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcStatsUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcDiagramUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcCelestialUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcArchiveUtil, user.weewx_wdc.WdcTableUtil

    # Reports that summarize "by month"
        encoding = normalized_ascii
        template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y-%m.txt.tmpl
        #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
        template = month-%Y-%m.html.tmpl
        #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour

    # Reports that summarize "by year"
        encoding = normalized_ascii
        template = NOAA/NOAA-%Y.txt.tmpl
        #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour
        template = year-%Y.html.tmpl
        #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour

# Reports that show statistics "to date", such as day-to-date,
# week-to-date, month-to-date, etc.
        template = index.html.tmpl

        template = yesterday.html.tmpl

        template = week.html.tmpl

        template = month.html.tmpl

        template = year.html.tmpl
        #stale_age = 3600 # Every hour

        template = statistics.html.tmpl
        stale_age = 43200 # Twice a day

        template = celestial.html.tmpl

# Static pages, add as many as you want.
        #template = about.html.tmpl
        #title = About
        template = dwd.html.tmpl
        title = Vorhersage vom DWD

[Units] [[TimeFormats]]

@see https://weewx.com/docs/customizing.htm#Units_TimeFormats

    day        = %X
    week       = %x
    month      = %x
    year       = %x
    rainyear   = %x
    current    = %x %X
    ephem_day  = %X
    ephem_year = %x
    stats      = %x %X

[CopyGenerator] copy_once = dist/main.js, dist/main.css, plotly-custom-build.min.js, favicon.ico, manifest.json, icon-192x192.png, icon-256x256.png, icon-384x384.png, icon-512x512.png, service-worker.js, offline.html copy_always = dwd/bwk_bodendruck_na_ana.png, dwd/SchilderLZ.jpg, dwd/bwk_bodendruck_weu_ana.png

[Generators] generator_list = weewx.cheetahgenerator.CheetahGenerator, weewx.reportengine.CopyGenerator

Daveiano commented 2 years ago

Hello there :)

I had a quick look over your webpage at https://www.juergen-ernst.com/bhw/index.html and I can see the diagrams!? It looks like you already solved the issue?

jernst01 commented 2 years ago

Yes I did in the meantime. Thanks

Daveiano commented 2 years ago

Could you share the reason for your problem? Eventually, others could profit from that.

jernst01 commented 2 years ago

Sure, it was the standard problem ........ Cache in Chrome ........

Daveiano commented 2 years ago

Well yes, the cache... Glad it was only the cache!