David-Rushton / morello.markdown

A .NET library that pretty prints markdown in the console
MIT License
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cherry icon Summary

Tools for beautifully rendering markdown in your terminal.

Tool What does it do? Get It
MarkdownCli CLI app powered by MarkdownConsole Download
MarkdownConsole .Net library for pretty printing markdown in your terminal Download

cherry icon Contents

cherry icon MarkdownCli

A CLI app that beautifully renders markdown in your terminal.

CLI example gif

Getting Started

# You can pipe input
$ "*bold text*" | md-cli

# Or pass as an arg
$ md-cli "_italic text_"

# We accept files
$ md-cli /path/to/markdown.md
$ /path/to/markdown.md | md-cli

Build From Source

  1. You'll need .Net 6
  2. Navigate to ./src/markdown-cli/
  3. dotnet build


Or you can download prebuilt binaries. We support Windows and Linux.

You do not need to download anything else

cherry icon MarkdownConsole

A .Net library that uses Ansi Escape Codes to pretty print markdown.

Download Package

# Download from NuGet
# https://www.nuget.org/packages/Morello.MarkdownConsole
> dotnet add package Morello.MarkdownConsole

We support .Net Standard 2.0. This provides great coverage for recent versions of .Net, .Net Core and .Net Framework. The full list is available here.

using Morello;

public class Program
  public static Main(string[] args)
    MarkdownConsole.Write("**bold text**");

cherry icon Acknowledgments

MarkdownConsole uses these amazing projects to make your markdown look its best.

Optional Extras

Installing Bat or Nerd Fonts adds extra flourishes. Don't worry if you don't use these fantastic projects. We will still render beautiful markdown in your terminal.

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