DavidBM / acteur-rs

An safe & opinionated actor-like framework written in Rust that just works. Simple, robust, fast, documented.
Apache License 2.0
89 stars 2 forks source link
acteur actor-model actors concurrency

Acteur Actor System

An safe & opinionated actor-like framework written in Rust that just works. Simple, robust, fast, documented.

Crates.io version docs.rs docs

Status update [HELP WANTED]

Update 3: Help wanted

I'm not having time to continue with the development of this for the foreseen future. If anyone would like to take it from here, please, let me know!

Update 2:

I'm playing with raft and sled in order to implement the cluster part. You can it in the file playing_with_raft.rs

Update 1:

So, I took some time to think about this framework and have intention to move it into business logic + distributed framework. The idea is to make a framework that allows you to write identified aggregates/models/actors without much burden.


Actors are cool. Many people write about them and Actix rules the benchmarks. But to write a backend system spawning several servers using actors is not easy. Actually, it bring many other complexities. But actors are not a bad abstraction, but they are a solution for concurrency, not for business logic organization. They tangentially solve some problems and that is nice, but introduce others. So, this framework seeks to implement a framework which implement something very similar to Actors but with many adaptations and niceties in order to write business logic.

Said that, Acteur is provably not the tool you want if: