DavidBergevoet / Setup-Reservation

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Adding a configurable setup name #19

Open InzeNL opened 3 weeks ago

InzeNL commented 3 weeks ago

With the repository now being public, and turned into "Setup Reservation", the configuration should be more generic.

We should make it configurable what the name of the setup is (or setups, see #14, these tasks likely overlap)

We could do this with a JSON file, that we add to the .gitignore, and from which is read at the start of the application.

InzeNL commented 3 weeks ago
InzeNL commented 2 weeks ago

We'd need to keep the API from #9 in mind too. The endpoints will need to be changed so you can place a reservation for a speficic setup. This could be as simple as adding a parameter to the body.

InzeNL commented 2 weeks ago

~Should it also be possible to reserve an "Any" setup? This way, you just get assigned whatever setup's available when you want it~

Edit: The answer is no