DavidBergevoet / Setup-Reservation

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Scheduler for test setup Corn

You can schedule time for test setup corn

Install steps

python3 -m venv .venv

. .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Format code


To install autopep8, use the following command:

pip install autopep8

To format python code to match the PEP 8 standard, execute the following formatter in the root directory of the repository:

autopep8 --in-place --recursive .

Configuration file

For the application to run, you will need a configuration file called: config.json

An example of such a file is listed in config.json.example. The title_image is the path to the image of that specific setup, which needs to be placed in the static/title_images/ directory. Only the name of that file needs to be entered, since the application will only look in the title_images directory.