DavidHoude / homework

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Litecoin Daemon

This project is an example of how to build and deploy the litecoin daemon using Docker & Kubernetes.

The following assumptions have been made:

You will find the Jenkinsfile at the root of this repository, the Dockerfile in the build/ directory, and the Kubernetes YAML files in the deploy directory.


The Jenkinsfile is located in the root of the repository and assumes that you have configured this project with AWS access key/secret, the EKS cluster name/region, and your dockerHub credentials.

The Jenkins pipeline should pull down the latest version of the repository, build the docker container, push the container to dockerhub, and then deploy the container to kubernetes before cleaning up afterwards.


The build folder contains the Dockerfile for Litecoin Daemon, which can be built as-is in any environment.

The container runs as the litecoin user and defaults to daemon mode.

Both Testnet and Mainnet ports are exposed.


The deploy folder contains the Kubernetes YAML files to deploy a statefulset to your cluster.

This assumes you have an EKS cluster with permission to provision EBS storage. If not, this can be modified to use local storage, or another provider.


The processing folder contains examples of text based manipulation problems and solutions using standard linux tooling, as well as examples using various languages.


A deployent in Nomad was not created as I do not currently have any experience with Nomad.