DavidVentura / esp-snapcast

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Snapcast client for the ESP32. Works on the standard ESP32, does not need versions with extra memory / PSRAM.

Supported codecs:


Note that you can download the pre-built firmware from CI.


If you want to build the opus backend, you also need:

export CC=xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc
export CXX=xtensa-esp32-elf-g++

To build the project, run make only_build

Note that mDNS (automatic discovery) is not yet implemented, so you must set the IP for the snapcast server on src/main.rs.


Requires espflash.

You need to provide the SSID and PASS environment variables, for your wifi settings:

export SSID=<your wifi name>
export PASS=<your wifi password>

These will be embedded into the firmware file with the replacer.py script.

To flash the project into an ESP32 you can run make flashm


I use an UDA1334A module with an ESP32-WROOM-32 (a 320KiB RAM model).

Wire the pins according to this table:

ESP I2s board
3v3 VIN

The specific pinout is not required, you only need pins that can output, are not bootstrap pins, and do not output garbage on boot. If you want to change the wiring, you also need to modify the i2s, dout, ws and bclk variables in main().

A pull-down resistor on WSEL makes for quiet reboots; without this, there's a lot of garbled noise until playback starts.

Recommended snapserver settings

chunk_ms = 30
buffer = 690
codec = flac


On stereo at 48KHz:

All of which seem perfectly fine on the ESP32.

Memory usage

Basic heap analysis:

Free heap space:

Buffer Duration PCM FLAC OPUS
150ms 167KiB 173KiB 146KiB
500ms 93KiB 117KiB ?
700ms 31KiB* 53KiB ?

* Got a random OOM a few times, investigating

Known issues


[ ] Host a page with esp tools to provide easy flashing/firmware building