Davidcor89-lip6 / b4mesh

Développment du projet b4mesh sur le materiel de GreenCom.
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Développment du projet b4mesh sur le materiel de Green IT.

Solution overview

Each nodes of the blockgraph - individualy hosted on a Green-communication router - contains the following components :

Components descriptions

Component name Visibility Description
b4mesh::binary external Node instance which runs on each router
b4mesh::live_visualizer external Web application which creates a live rendering of the blockgraph,
from the current node perspective
b4mesh::httpd internal Httpd interface
used in b4mesh::binary
b4mesh::core_engine internal blockgraph implementation
used in b4mesh::binary
b4mesh::utils internal b4mesh::binary technical utilities/misc

Nodes API

Endpoint Component Method Input type Description Output type Return
/add_transaction b4mesh::binary PUT, POST RAW Add a transaction into the blockgraph JSON {
"return_value": "OK"
/blockgraph_live_visualizer/view b4mesh::live_visualizer GET Standard HTTP request Blockgraph live visualizer
(Web application)
Http page
/blockgraph_live_visualizer/get_nodes none
/tmp/blockgraph file, live-fed by b4mesh::binary
GET Live stream that represents blockgraph nodes/transactions RAW / JSON See description here for details

Routers configuration

Use the green communication tutorial (GreenPi/b4meshnetwork)

todo : link to the tutorial here

🏗️ How to build this project ?

ℹ️ You can find command lines examples in the default CI workflow descriptor file.

The following project build requires a two-step action.


Package name Minimum release
CMake 3.14.2 (>= 3.18.3975358 is better)
GCC 7.5 (>= 9.0.0 is better)
gmake, nmake or make ?
bash or sh ?

Dependencies management

Self-generated build diagram, using b4mesh_generates_cmake_dependencies_diagram target.

Self-generated build diagram

🛠️ Toolchain generation

The first cache generation, by default, only allow a target named greensoftsdk.
This target will generate Green's toolchain.

Using command-line and Unix-Makefile

ℹ️ Command-line configuration and Makefile usage is deprecated, use modern-CMake instead

Using modern-CMake

b4mesh build use standard CMake cache/build process,
with a twist that is the use of an external toolchain which must be generated prior to the main build.
Thus, building the project only requires to generates CMake's cache and build twice.

ℹ️ If your IDE supports it, you may be willing to use the provided CMakeSettings.json file to handle your CMake cache/build command lines.
Alternatively, you can select your target using CMake --target option explicitely.

ℹ️ Feel free to add extra options that best fit your needs, such as -G or --parallel/-j.

NB : By default, greensoftsdk target install the output toolchain into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/toolchain,
so you might want to set the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/path/to/install/" option when generating the toolchain.

Toolchain generation exposes the following CMake targets :

name description
greensoftsdk Green IT SDK/toolchain, on which relies b4mesh
Toolchain generation (command line)

Here, we use ${SOURCE_DIR}/build as cache directory for CMake, and ninja as generator.

Note about the build time :
The toolchain build takes quite a while. Expect >= 2 hours using a I5-8250U CPU and 8 Go RAM for instance

Toolchain generation (Microsoft Visual Studio cross-plateform)

Example output, using an external Docker container (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) as build target,
and Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 cross-plateform, remote Linux compilation for CMake project default tool.

To reproduce :

Possible cache generation output

```log 1> Copie des fichiers sur la machine distante. 1> Début de la copie des fichiers sur la machine distante. 1> [rsync] rsync -t --delete --delete-excluded -v -r --exclude=.vs --exclude=.git --exclude=out -8 "." rsync://root@localhost:63708/-root-.vs-b4mesh-04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8-src 1> [rsync] sending incremental file list 1> [rsync] ./ 1> [rsync] README.md 1> [rsync] deleting live_visualizer/configuration.js 1> [rsync] analysis/clang-tidy_output.txt 1> [rsync] doc/build/ 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostrandom 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostrandom.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostsystem 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostsystem.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX_asio_integration 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX_asio_integration.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.ThreadsThreads 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.ThreadsThreads.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_binary 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_binary.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_coreEngine 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_coreEngine.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_core_engine__generated 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_core_engine__generated.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_http 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_http.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_utils 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_utils.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.boost_beast 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.boost_beast.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.nlohmann_json 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.nlohmann_json.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.png 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/ 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/nginx/ 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/nginx/http_live_visualizer.conf 1> [rsync] sources/utils/ 1> [rsync] sources/utils/CMakeLists.txt 1> [rsync] 1> [rsync] sent 176,941 bytes received 6,992 bytes 73,573.20 bytes/sec 1> [rsync] total size is 10,008,738 speedup is 54.42 1> Fin de la copie des fichiers (durée calendaire 00h:00m:04s:129ms). 1> La génération de CMake a démarré pour la configuration : 'Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk'. 1> Exécutable cmake trouvé sur /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake. 1> /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH="/usr/bin/g++-9" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH="/usr/bin/gcc-9" --target greensoftsdk "/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/CMakeLists.txt"; 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] Loading modules [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/cmake/modules] ... 1> [CMake] -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done 1> [CMake] -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++-9 - skipped 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compile features 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compile features - done 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : option [b4mesh_USE_CLANG_TIDY] set to OFF 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : program [dot] detected at /usr/bin/dot. Generating [b4mesh_generates_cmake_dependencies_diagram] target 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : toolchain is [] 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is [Debug] 1> [CMake] -- [toolchain/lazy_detection] : Lazy Green SDK detection ... USING_GREEN_SDK is [OFF] 1> [CMake] -- [FindFile] Scanning [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives] for [greensoft-sdk-*.tar.xz] ... 1> [CMake] -- [FindFile] Found [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives/greensoft-sdk-2021-01-25-14ae3.tar.xz] 1> [CMake] -- [greensoftsdk] ... 1> [CMake] -- [FindFile] Scanning [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives] for [libdbus-cpp-*.tar.gz] ... 1> [CMake] -- [FindFile] Found [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives/libdbus-cpp-e02d9095.tar.gz] 1> [CMake] -- Configuring done 1> [CMake] -- Generating done 1> [CMake] -- Build files have been written to: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk 1> Variables CMake extraites. 1> Fichiers sources et en-têtes extraits. 1> Modèle de code extrait. 1> Chemins include extraits. 1> Fin de la génération de CMake. ```

Possible build output :

```log Début de la copie des fichiers sur la machine distante. Fin de la copie des fichiers (durée calendaire 00h:00m:00s:524ms). cd $HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk;/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --build "$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk" ; [1/9] [greensoftsdk] add_boost_to_config step ... -- [FileIO.cmake] += [BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST=y] to [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config] -- [FileIO.cmake] += [BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST_SYSTEM=y] to [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config] -- [FileIO.cmake] += [BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDBUS_CPP=y] to [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config] -- [FileIO.cmake] += [BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_WCHAR=y] to [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config] -- [FileIO.cmake] += [BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST_RANDOM=y] to [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config] [2/7] cd /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk && /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --graphviz=/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot . && dot -Tpng /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot -o /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.png -- [b4mesh] Loading modules [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/cmake/modules] ... -- [b4mesh] : toolchain is [] -- [b4mesh] : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is [Debug] -- [toolchain/lazy_detection] : Lazy Green SDK detection ... USING_GREEN_SDK is [OFF] -- [FindFile] Scanning [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives] for [greensoft-sdk-*.tar.xz] ... -- [FindFile] Found [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives/greensoft-sdk-2020-10-06-67b51.tar.xz] -- [greensoftsdk] ... -- [FindFile] Scanning [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives] for [libdbus-cpp-*.tar.gz] ... -- [FindFile] Found [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/toolchain/archives/libdbus-cpp-6d390205.tar.gz] -- Configuring done -- Generating done Generate graphviz: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot -- Build files have been written to: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk [3/7] Performing build step for 'greensoftsdk' [greensoftsdk] Building SDK in /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk... # # configuration written to /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/.config # >>> Finalizing host directory >>> Finalizing target directory >>> Sanitizing RPATH in target tree >>> Generating root filesystems common tables >>> Generating filesystem image rootfs.tar rootdir=/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/output/build/buildroot-fs/tar/target table='/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/output/build/buildroot-fs/full_devices_table.txt' >>> Rendering the SDK relocatable >>> Generating SDK tarball [greensoftsdk] Built. [4/7] Performing install step for 'greensoftsdk' [greensoftsdk] Installing ... [5/7] No test step for 'greensoftsdk' [6/7] [greensoftsdk] custom_install step ... [greensoftsdk] Extracting [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/output/images/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi_sdk-buildroot.tar.gz] [greensoftsdk] Running [relocate-sdk.sh] script ... Relocating the buildroot SDK from /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk-prefix/src/greensoftsdk/output/host to /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk ... [greensoftsdk] Installed in /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain [7/7] Completed 'greensoftsdk' Réussite de l'opération Tout générer. ```

🛠️ Project build

ℹ️ Beside reading this documention, you should simply check for available CMake options.

The following steps describe how to build b4mesh projects components.
This requires that previous steps was succesfuly followed (see the toolchain generation section above).

Using modern-CMake

The project's top-level CMakeLists.txt exposes the following targets :

name description
b4mesh_binary b4mesh::binary
project's main output (executable)
b4mesh_coreEngine b4mesh::core_engine
on which depends b4mesh_binary
(see #dependencies_management section)
b4mesh_core_engine__generate_ressources Generates ressources on which depends b4mesh::core_engine
b4mesh_generates_cmake_dependencies_diagram Generates all build target dependencies diagrams, available in /doc/build/
Project build (command lines)

Generate another cache for the project, or override the same one.
To enable project build instead of toolchain generation, you need to specify a valid path to a toolchain which is part of a Green SDK installation directory.

NB : By default, greensoftsdk target install the output toolchain into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/toolchain,
so you might want to set the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/path/to/install/" option when generating the toolchain.

NB : By default, Green toolchainfile.cmake path is : <INSTALL_PREFIX>/toolchain/greensoftsdk/share/buildroot/toolchainfile.cmake

WARNING : If you previously used ${SOURCE_DIR}/build as CMake cache destination for toolchain generation,
then you need to empty it first.
Otherwise, caches might mix-up, which is most likely to result in an ill-formed toolchain detection

rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build
cmake \
    -G "Ninja"                                 \   # your favorite generator
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="RelWithDebInfo" \   # Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo or MinSizeRel
    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="/path/to/GreenSDK_toolchain_install/toolchainfile.cmake" \ # toolchain
    \ # b4mesh specific options :
    -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" \
    -Dremote_install_dir:PATH="/var/persistent-data/b4mesh"                                                 \
    -Db4mesh_USE_CLANG_TIDY:BOOL=OFF                                                                        \

ℹ️ B4mesh::live_visualizer specific CMake options are detailed here

ℹ️ If you plan to locally install your project outputs :

  • do not forget to add an -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="/path/to/install/" option,
  • and invoke a cmake --install . command after the build as well.

Then build the project, using cmake --build,
or manually invoque your generator (Unix-Makefile, Ninja, etc.)

cmake --build "/path/to/project/build" . # assuming '.' is your cache path
Project build (Ms Visual Studio)

If you are using Microsoft Visual Studio :

Possible cache generation output

```log 1> Copie des fichiers sur la machine distante. 1> Début de la copie des fichiers sur la machine distante. 1> [rsync] rsync -t --delete --delete-excluded -v -r --exclude=.vs --exclude=.git --exclude=out -8 "." rsync://root@localhost:63484/-root-.vs-b4mesh-04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8-src 1> [rsync] sending incremental file list 1> [rsync] ./ 1> [rsync] CMakeSettings.json 1> [rsync] README.md 1> [rsync] deleting live_visualizer/configuration.js 1> [rsync] cmake_modules/ 1> [rsync] doc/build/ 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostrandom 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostrandom.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostsystem 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.Boostsystem.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.DBusCXX.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.INTERFACE 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.INTERFACE.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.ThreadsThreads 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.ThreadsThreads.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_binary 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_binary.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_coreEngine 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_coreEngine.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_core_engine__generated 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_core_engine__generated.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_utils 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot.b4mesh_utils.dependers 1> [rsync] doc/build/dependencies_diagram.png 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/ 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/nginx/ 1> [rsync] live_visualizer/nginx/http_live_visualizer.conf 1> [rsync] 1> [rsync] sent 18,099 bytes received 1,962 bytes 5,731.71 bytes/sec 1> [rsync] total size is 9,995,493 speedup is 498.25 1> Fin de la copie des fichiers (durée calendaire 00h:00m:03s:751ms). 1> La génération de CMake a démarré pour la configuration : 'Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK'. 1> Exécutable cmake trouvé sur /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake. 1> /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/share/buildroot/toolchainfile.cmake" -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" -Dremote_install_dir:PATH="/var/persistent-data/b4mesh" "/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/CMakeLists.txt"; 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] Loading modules [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/cmake/modules] ... 1> [CMake] -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done 1> [CMake] -- Check for working CXX compiler: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++ - skipped 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compile features 1> [CMake] -- Detecting CXX compile features - done 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : toolchain is [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/share/buildroot/toolchainfile.cmake] 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is [Debug] 1> [CMake] -- [toolchain/lazy_detection] : Lazy Green SDK detection ... USING_GREEN_SDK is [ON] 1> [CMake] -- [toolchain/import.cmake] Importing GreenSDK ... 1> [CMake] -- [toolchain/import.cmake] custom GreenSDK variable RELOCATED_HOST_DIR=[/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk]... 1> [CMake] -- [toolchain/import.cmake] CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=[/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++] 1> [CMake] -- [libdbus-cpp] Loading dependency ... 1> [CMake] -- Found Boost: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/include (found suitable version "1.73.0", minimum required is "1.65.0") found components: system 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] core_engine/ressources : detecting [dbusxx-xml2cpp] at [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/dbusxx-xml2cpp] 1> [CMake] -- [b4mesh] core_engine/ressources : output is generated in [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK/sources/core_engine/ressources/generation_output] 1> [CMake] -- Found Boost: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/include (found suitable version "1.73.0", minimum required is "1.65.0") found components: random system 1> [CMake] -- Found Boost: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/include (found suitable version "1.73.0", minimum required is "1.65.0") found components: system 1> [CMake] -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h 1> [CMake] -- Looking for C++ include pthread.h - found 1> [CMake] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD 1> [CMake] -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success 1> [CMake] -- Found Threads: TRUE 1> [CMake] -- b4mesh : Remote machines IPs set to : 1> [CMake] -- - 1> [CMake] -- - 1> [CMake] -- - 1> [CMake] -- - 1> [CMake] -- - 1> [CMake] -- b4mesh : remote_install_dir set to : /var/persistent-data/b4mesh 1> [CMake] -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0 1> [CMake] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info 1> [CMake] -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done 1> [CMake] -- Check for working C compiler: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc - skipped 1> [CMake] -- Detecting C compile features 1> [CMake] -- Detecting C compile features - done 1> [CMake] -- b4mesh::live_visualizer ... 1> [CMake] -- - b4mesh::live_visualizer : refresh rate set to : 3000 1> [CMake] -- - b4mesh::live_visualizer : (remote) install dir set to : /var/persistent-data/b4mesh/live_visualizer 1> [CMake] -- - b4mesh::live_visualizer : nodes filestream detected on : [/tmp/blockgraph] 1> [CMake] -- Configuring done 1> [CMake] -- Generating done 1> [CMake] -- Build files have been written to: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK 1> Variables CMake extraites. 1> Fichiers sources et en-têtes extraits. 1> Modèle de code extrait. 1> Chemins include extraits. ```

Possible build output

```log cd $HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK;/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --build "$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK" ; [1/14] cd /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/sources/core_engine/ressources && /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/dbusxx-xml2cpp /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/sources/core_engine/ressources/consensus.xml --proxy=/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK/sources/core_engine/ressources/generation_output/includes/b4mesh/core_engine/generated/consensus.hpp && /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/dbusxx-xml2cpp /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/sources/core_engine/ressources/state.xml --proxy=/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK/sources/core_engine/ressources/generation_output/includes/b4mesh/core_engine/generated/state.hpp generating code for interface net.qolsr.Consensus... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.State... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Interfaces... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.PeerSignals... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.PendingInterfaces... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Links... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Neighbors... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.MIDs... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.HNAs... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Gates... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.LocalTopology... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.GlobalTopology... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.ReachableNodes... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.ExcludedMACs... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Stations... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Associations... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.VLANs... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Log... generating code for interface net.qolsr.Qolyester.Parameters... [2/14] Building CXX object sources/core_engine/CMakeFiles/b4mesh_coreEngine.dir/sources/consensus.cpp.o [3/12] cd /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK && /root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --graphviz=/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot . && dot -Tpng /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.dot -o /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/doc/build/dependencies_diagram.png -- [b4mesh] Loading modules [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/cmake/modules] ... -- [b4mesh] : toolchain is [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/share/buildroot/toolchainfile.cmake] -- [b4mesh] : CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is [Debug] -- [toolchain/lazy_detection] : Lazy Green SDK detection ... USING_GREEN_SDK is [ON] -- [toolchain/import.cmake] Importing GreenSDK ... -- [toolchain/import.cmake] custom GreenSDK variable RELOCATED_HOST_DIR=[/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk]... -- [toolchain/import.cmake] CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=[/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++] -- [libdbus-cpp] Loading dependency ... -- [b4mesh] core_engine/ressources : detecting [dbusxx-xml2cpp] at [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/bin/dbusxx-xml2cpp] -- [b4mesh] core_engine/ressources : output is generated in [/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK/sources/core_engine/ressources/generation_output] -- Found Boost: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/include (found suitable version "1.73.0", minimum required is "1.65.0") found components: random system -- Found Boost: /root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/arm-buildroot-linux-uclibcgnueabi/sysroot/usr/include (found suitable version "1.73.0", minimum required is "1.65.0") found components: system -- b4mesh : Remote machines IPs set to : # etc ... ```

See the #Notes section below for generated commands details.

[deprecated] Using Unix-Makefile

Show this deprecated section

In the makefile, you need to change the link the greencommunication toolchain. Create the folder "build" and "build_local", if they don't exist. >$ make all There is two possible options to "make all" DEBUG=1 and LOCAL=1. DEBUG changes the compilation option from -O3 to -g3. LOCAL switches the compiler between arm and the local compiler You have to change the router IP list, in two script files (sendall and recoverResult). >List_IP=("" "" "" "") and change the list in recoverDraw this the last number of the IP address. >List_node="130 26 217 170" When you are connected on the green communication network, you can execute. You need to create on each router, a folder : */var/persistent-data/b4mesh* >$ make sendall Connect with ssh on each router (default@IP) (b4meshroot). You can transfer the script "launcher" on the router to simplify the program launch >$ cd /var/persistent-data/b4mesh >$ ./launcher Otherwise, the created program "b4mesh" can be use as is : > sudo ./b4mesh -i myIP -p myport -r true > Exception: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.65888" (uid=1004 pid=5516 comm="./b4mesh -r true ") interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" member="Get" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="net.qolsr.Consensus" (uid=1015 pid=1667 comm="/usr/sbin/qolsr-consensusd --pidfile /run/qolyeste") means that you forget the "sudo" ;) + -i : indicates the IP the the Green Communication network (their is a auto detection that can failed). + -p : indicates the used port to communicate (5000 by default). In fact, the port number and the port number +1 is used (ex. 5000 and 5001). + -r : desactives the autogeneration of transaction inside B4Mesh and open a local endpoint to register transactions from outside this program. >$ curl -X PUT -d "serialiezd payload" ##### results Create the folder "Results" $ make recoverResultsAll To visualize on result graph $ cd Results $ ./txt2Png blockgraph-X.txt res-X.png ($ eog res-X.png)


Also, if your CMake release is fresh enough, you are strongly encouraged to use the modern invocation synthax :

cmake -S . -B build # etc.

Feel free to add extra parameters to your cmake commands lines.

In particular :

For instance, here is how Microsoft Visual Studio (MsVS) invoke its packaged cmake binary when building cmake-based project with remote build on Linux target.
Everything here use default parameters.

# toolchain generation :

/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Ninja"  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk" -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH="/usr/bin/g++-9" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH="/usr/bin/gcc-9" --target greensoftsdk "/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/CMakeLists.txt";

cd $HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk;/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --build "$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk"  ;

# ...
# Project build :

/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING="Debug" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/install/Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/toolchain/greensoftsdk/share/buildroot/toolchainfile.cmake"  "/root/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/src/CMakeLists.txt";

cd $HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK;/root/.vs/cmake/bin/cmake --build "$HOME/.vs/b4mesh/04888722-7ab6-435b-947b-dca7becdfea8/out/build/Linux-GCC-Debug-WithGreenSDK"  ;
# ...

🏗️ How to install this project ?

Depending on CMake's option DEPLOYEMENT_TYPE - either LOCAL or REMOTE,
b4mesh components - including b4mesh::live_visualizer, see live visualisation section for details - can be install locally or on remotes machines.

Local installation

The behavior described hereafter happends when DEPLOYEMENT_TYPE is set to LOCAL.

cmake --install /path/to/build/

# or directly use your generator
# - with Unix-Makefile : make install
# - with Ninja-builder : ninja install

Possible installation result :

|-- b4mesh
|   |-- bin
|   |   `-- b4mesh_binary
|   `-- lib
|       `-- libb4mesh_coreEngine.so
`-- b4mesh_live_visualizer
    |-- configuration.js
    |-- favicon.ico
    |-- index.html
    |-- nginx
    |   `-- http_live_visualizer.conf
    |-- scripts
    |   |-- json_to_dot.js
    |   |-- poll_worker_task.js
    |   |-- string_hash.js
    |   `-- view_operations.js
    `-- style.css

6 directories, 11 files

About the RPATH : b4mesh_binary dynamically requires libb4mesh_coreEngine.so to run properly.

Remote deployement

The behavior described hereafter happends when DEPLOYEMENT_TYPE is set to REMOTE.

Involved build arguments :

Argument type Mandatory ? Default value
remote_machines_IP STRING
(\;-separated LIST)
Yes None
remote_install_dir PATH No None

About the RPATH : b4mesh_binary dynamically requires libb4mesh_coreEngine.so to run properly.


|-- b4mesh_binary
|-- libb4mesh_coreEngine.so
`-- b4mesh_live_visualizer
    |-- configuration.js
    |-- favicon.ico
    |-- index.html
    |-- scripts
    |   |-- json_to_dot.js
    |   |-- poll_worker_task.js
    |   |-- string_hash.js
    |   `-- view_operations.js
    `-- style.css

As well as nginx configuration files:

 |-- add_transaction.conf
 |-- http_live_visualizer.conf

And will make the Nginx server instance to reload its configuration, in order to apply changes.

Nginx configuration


See Configuration, installation, deployement section above.

Manually (deprecated)

Show deprecated details

```bash sudo rwdo -s vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/qolyester-http.conf ``` ```bash server { listen *:80; listen [::]:80; include local_server_name.conf; ... include qolyester.d/*.conf; location /add_transaction { proxy_pass; } } ``` ```bash sudo nginx -s reload ```

live visualisation

⚠️Warning : this component is part of b4mesh.
Thus, all informations described hereunder are for documentation purpose only.
All configuration, build, install and deployement steps are handled by b4mesh top-level CMakeLists.txt.

The component b4mesh::binary use a file, /tmp/blockgraph as a live stream destination for json-formated serialized nodes outputs.
Thus, at any moment, that file contains a - serialized - blockgraph representation from the current node perspective, using such format :


This format is used for live visualisation, e.g b4mesh::live_visualizer component

Configuration, installation, deployement

CMake's top-level script handle configuration, install, and deployement - locally or on remote machines - of b4mesh's live visualisation component.

NB : Such script also handles nginx endpoints configuration, deploying into /etc/nginx/qolyester.d path.

Deployement is handle by install-time instruction.
Thus, during cmake --install command invocation

NB : Please not that live_visualizer target can be either standalone, or part of b4mesh top-level CMake script.

Argument type Mandatory ? Default value
remote_machines_IP STRING
(\;-separated LIST)
Yes None
remote_install_dir PATH No None
live_visualizer_install_dir PATH Yes if standalone Only if not standalone :
live_visualizer_refresh_rate INTEGER
(in milliseconds)
No 3000

Standalone usage

Even if b4mesh::live_visualizer depends on several elements from b4mesh top-level projects,
it might be use in standalone.

Theses dependencies are :

# Assuming PWD is b4mesh sources's dir
mkdir build && cd build;
cmake   --target=b4mesh_live_visualizer \ # force standalone
        -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" \
        -Dlive_visualizer_install_dir:PATH=\"/var/persistent-data/b4mesh/live_visualizer\"                      \
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

Which is equivalent to :

# Assuming PWD is b4mesh sources's dir
mkdir build && cd build;
cmake   \
        -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" \
        -Dlive_visualizer_install_dir:PATH=\"/var/persistent-data/b4mesh/live_visualizer\"                      \
        ../live_visualizer # explictly run live_visualizer/CMakeLists.txt, not the top-level script
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

Alternatively, as mentioned in the arguments table hereabove,
the user can substitute live_visualizer_install_dir parameter by remote_install_dir,
which will result in live_visualizer_install_dir set to ${remote_install_dir}/live_visualizer

Thus, previous command samples are equivalent to :

# Assuming PWD is b4mesh sources's dir
mkdir build && cd build;
cmake   \
        -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" \
        -Dremote_install_dir:PATH=\"/var/persistent-data/b4mesh\" \ # remote_install_dir here, not explicit live_visualizer_install_dir
        ../live_visualizer # explictly run live_visualizer/CMakeLists.txt, not the top-level script
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

As part of top-level b4mesh CMake script

# Assuming PWD is b4mesh sources's dir
mkdir build && cd build;
cmake   \
        -Dremote_machines_IP:STRING=";;;;" \
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

Note that because we deploy remotely, standard CMake argument CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has no real meaning here.
We substitute it with remote_install_dir to set the remote installation path.

NB : Note the escaping character sequence using \", which prevent CMake from resolving localy the path.

In the snippet above deployement results in the following files :

-- b4mesh : Remote machines IPs set to :
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- -
-- b4mesh : remote_install_dir set to : "/var/persistent-data/b4mesh"
-- b4mesh::live_visualizer ...
--  - b4mesh::live_visualizer : refresh rate set to : 3000
--  - b4mesh::live_visualizer : nodes filestream detected on : [/tmp/blockgraph]
--  - b4mesh::live_visualizer : (remote) install dir set to : /var/persistent-data/b4mesh/live_visualizer
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Dev/b4mesh_main/build



Here is a command line to generate an XML report only for b4mesh source files :

cppcheck \
    -i ./_deps/ \
    -i ../Linux-GCC-Debug_target_greensoftsdk/ \
    -i ./CMakeFiles/ \
    --xml --enable=all --force --project=./compile_commands.json . 2> cppcheck_output.xml