DavyJonesLocker / ember-cli-test-interactions

Ember acceptance test helpers.
MIT License
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ember-cli-test-interactions is built and maintained by DockYard, contact us for expert Ember.js consulting.

Ember-cli Test Interactions is a library providing some convenience test helper functions. It allows for more expressive acceptance tests and cuts out alot of the boiler plate functions required to find elements before acting upon them.

For example, compare filling in an HTML input with and without the library:

// with ember-cli-test-interactions
fillInByLabel('Name', 'Jane Doe');

// without
const label = find("label:contains('Jane Doe')");
const input = find(`#${label.attr('for')}`);
fillIn(input, 'Jane Doe');


For ember-cli >= 0.2.3:

ember install ember-cli-test-interactions

For ember-cli < 0.2.3:

ember install:addon ember-cli-test-interactions


Once the addon is installed, the helper functions will be available for import via '../tests/helpers/interactions'.

Import the functions you need in each of your acceptance test files:

import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { clickLink } from '../tests/helpers/interactions';

test('clicking name transitions to route of the user', function(assert) {
  andThen(clickLink('Jane Doe'));
  andThen(() => {
    assert.equal(url, '/users/jane-doe', "expected current path to be
Jane Doe's");


DockYard, Inc. © 2015
