DavyLandman / ncd

Script to calculate the normalized compression distance of sets of files. It also tries to parallize the work over the available processors.
MIT License
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Normalized Compression Distance

This python script calculates the Normalize Compression Distance between all the files passed as argument. NCD can be used as a distance measure in hierarchical clustering. Since NCD gets slow quickly, I've at least parallized the calculation over the available cores. If more speed is required, there are publications that discuss an approach on dictionaries.


NCD is quite sensitive to the selection of the compressor. Especially for larger data, gzip is quite a bad choice. (NCD(a,a) > 0.1). LZMA2 was chosen since it can handle large windows and allows for fine tuned configuration.

After calculating NCD, always analyze the diagonal, if the values are to high, the compressor might be unsuited for your data.


Progress is reported on stderr results on stdout.

If you pass:

./ncd.py data/*.csv > results/calculated-ncds.csv

Which can then be imported as a distance matrix in R:

dst = as.dist(as.matrix(read.csv("results/calculated-ncds.csv", row.names=1)))

The progress will be reported every 10 rows. However, since it is a distance matrix, the last row takes n times longer than the first row. More accurate progress calculation is possible, but I haven't yet spend time on that.