DaweiXuan / WeatherDataset-4

A medium-scale dataset of weather images on traffic road named "WeatherDataset-4"
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A medium-scale dataset of weather images on traffic road

This dataset contains a total of 4,983 weather images covering most of the severe weather, which are divided into four categories: foggy days, rainy days, snowy days and sunny days. Weather images of each category are divided into the train set and the test set, with 4,000 images for training and 983 ones for testing. Most of these images are collected from the Internet and selected according to the specific requirements. The image modes include aerial photography, camera, news, traffic accidents, automobile data recorder, etc. This dataset is collected to identify the weather conditions on traffic road, so most of the images contain complex road scenes such as city streets, highways and country roads. Representative sample images from each category are shown below.

All images are fixed resolution 256×256 pixels with the JPEG format. If you interest about this dataset, please contact us at (20181219099@nuist.edu.cn) to receive the download instructions.