DawsenSu / PDIWT_PiledWharf

This is used to develop the program used in piled wharf with BIM technology.
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This is used to develop the program used in piled wharf with BIM technology...

Task Assignment

  1. Environment Setting Module:
    DONE Using ECschema to add environment related parameters into DgnModel.
  2. Input Module:
    Read Model from Staad Input file(*.std)[SuDongsheng responsible]
    Create Dynamic placement tool for pile
    Create batch reading tool and format from Excel file
  3. Process Module:
    Calcuate the force imposing by wave and current based on \<Code of Hydrology for Harbour and Waterway>
    Calcuate bearing capacity of pile cooperating with HC geological model[CuiFeng responsibile]
    Develop Clash Dectection Module for piles with and without tolerance
  4. Output Module:
    Calculation Note.
    Pile Position Drawing.