DblK / tinshop

Tinshop is your own personal shop compatible with tinfoil
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
46 stars 4 forks source link
homebrew nintendo nintendo-switch nintendo-switch-hacking nsp nsw self-hosted switch tinfoil

Your own personal shop right into tinfoil!

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โš ๏ธ Disclaimer

This program DOES NOT encourage piracy at all!
It was designed to reduce the time to download/install a game from the Nintendo eShop.
In case you have a ADSL connection, to install latest Zelda (14.4Gb) it can take ages!

On top of that, if you have bought a game on eShop like Jump Force, once it is not anymore on the shop how can you install it again?
Using your personal NSP dump, with tinfoil and tinshop everything should be fine and fast!

๐ŸŽฎ Use

To proper use this software, here is the checklist:

Now simply run it and add a shop inside tinfoil with the address setup in config (or http://localIp:3000 if not specified).

๐ŸŽ‰ Features

Here is the list of all main features so far:

๐Ÿณ๏ธ Filtering

When you setup your shop inside tinfoil you can now add the following path:

๐Ÿงฑ Dev or build from source

I suggest to use a tiny executable gow to help you during the process (hot reload, etc..).
For example I use the following command to develop gow -c run ..

If you want to build TinShop from source, please run go build.

And then, simply run ./tinshop.

๐Ÿ‹ Docker

To run with Docker, you can use this as a starting cli example:

docker run -d --restart=always -e TINSHOP_SOURCES_DIRECTORIES=/games -e TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE="Welcome to my Tinshop!" -v /local/game/backups:/games -p 3000:3000 ghcr.io/dblk/tinshop:latest

This will run Tinshop on http://localhost:3000 and persist across reboots!

If docker compose is your thing, then start with this example:

version: '3.9'
    container_name: tinshop
    image: ghcr.io/dblk/tinshop:latest
    restart: always
      - 3000:3000
      - TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE=Welcome to my Tinshop!
      - /media/switch:/games

All of the settings in the config.yaml file are valid Environment Variables. They must be UPPERCASE and prefixed by TINSHOP_. Nested properties should be prefixed by _. Here are a few examples:

ENV_VAR config.yaml entry Default Value Example Value
TINSHOP_HOST host <empty> tinshop.example.com
TINSHOP_PROTOCOL protocol http https
TINSHOP_NAME name TinShop MyShop
TINSHOP_REVERSEPROXY reverseProxy false true
TINSHOP_WELCOMEMESSAGE welcomeMessage Welcome to your own TinShop! Welcome to my shop!
TINSHOP_NOWELCOMEMESSAGE noWelcomeMessage false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_NFS debug.nfs false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_NOSECURITY debug.nosecurity false true
TINSHOP_DEBUG_TICKET debug.ticket false true
TINSHOP_NSP_CHECKVERIFIED nsp.checkVerified false true
TINSHOP_SOURCES_DIRECTORIES sources.directories ./games /games /path/two /path/three
TINSHOP_SOURCES_NSF sources.nfs null
TINSHOP_SECURITY_FORWARDAUTH sources.forwardAuth null https://auth.tinshop.com/switch

๐Ÿฅ Want to do cross-build generation?

Wanting to generate all possible os binaries (macOS, linux, windows) with all architectures (arm, amd64)?
Here is the command goreleaser release --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist.

Dead simple, thanks to Golang!

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Changing the structure of an interface?

If you change an interface (or add a new one), do not forget to execute ./update_mocks.sh to generate up-to-date mocks for tests.

Do not forget to install mockgen first:

go install github.com/golang/mock/mockgen@v1.6.0

๐Ÿงช What to launch tests?

You can run ginkgo -r for one shot or ginkgo watch -r during development.
Note: you can add -cover to have an idea of the code coverage.

๐ŸŽฏ Roadmap

You can see the roadmap here.

If you have any suggestions, do not hesitate to participate!

๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿป Q & A

Why use this instead of X (NUT or others software)?

Answer It's dead simple, and no dependencies! It's just a single small executable. Easier to install games without connecting switch or by updating SD card (Nightmare if you are on macOS). The upcoming features will also be a huge advantage against others software.

Where do I put my games?

Answer By default, `TinShop` will look into the `games` directory relative to `tinshop` executable. However in the `config.yaml` file, you can change this. In the `sources` section, you can have the following: - `directories`: List of directories where you put your games - `nfs`: List of NFS shares that contains your games

Can I set up a https endpoint?

Answer Yes, you can! Use a reverse proxy (like [traefik](https://github.com/traefik/traefik), [caddy](https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy), nginx...) to do tls termination and forward to your instance on port `3000`. ### Example for caddy To work with [`caddy`](https://caddyserver.com/), you need to put in your `Caddyfile` something similar to this: ```Caddyfile tinshop.example.com:80 { reverse_proxy } ``` and your `config.yaml` as follow: ```yaml host: tinshop.example.com protocol: http port: 3000 reverseProxy: true ``` If you want to have HTTPS, ensure `caddy` handle it (it will with Let's Encrypt) and change `https` in the config and remove `:80` in the `Caddyfile` example. ### Example for traefik To work with [`traefik`](https://traefik.io/), you need to put in your Dynamic Configuration something similar to this: ```yaml http: routers: service: tinshop rule: Host(`tinshop.example.com`) entryPoints: websecure # Could be web if not using https services: tinshop: loadBalancer: servers: - url: ``` and your `config.yaml` as follow: ```yaml host: tinshop.example.com protocol: http port: 3000 reverseProxy: true ``` If you want to have HTTPS, ensure `traefik` can handle it (it will with Let's Encrypt) and use protocol `https` in the config. For more details on Traefik + Let's Encrypt, [click here](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/https/acme/).

How can I add a basic auth to protect my shop?

Answer TinShop **does** handle basic auth but not by itself. You should look for `forwardAuth` in the `config.yaml` to set the endpoint that will handle the authentication in behalf of TinShop. In the future, a proper user management will be incorporated into TinShop to handle it. In addition, for other type of protection, you can whitelist/blacklist your own switch and this will do the trick.

I have tons of missing title displayed in tinfoil, what should I do?

Answer First, download and replace the latest [`titles.US.en.json`](https://github.com/AdamK2003/titledb/releases/download/latest/titles.US.en.json) available (or delete it, it will be automatically downloaded at startup). If this does not solve your issue, then you should use custom titledb entry to describe those which are missing.

Why I still get NCA signature verification failed error in tinfoil and nothing in tinshop?

Answer The current implementation to verify the NSP/NSZ are basic and based on the Ticket information. So you might still get some error about signature failed even with `checkVerified` enabled. Maybe later, this feature will be enhanced to add additional checks on game files (PR Welcome!).

tinfoil does not display the name of the game but the file name, what should I do?

Answer You must follow the naming convention for the games as follow: `[gameId][version].(nsp/nsz)` `gameId` should be a 16 characters long string. For example, those are invalid: - `0000000000000000 [v0].nsp` - `[0000000000000000].nsp` - `[0000000000000000][v0].xxx` Those are valid: - `[0000000000000000] [v0].nsp` - `[0000000000000000][v131072].nsz` - `My Saved Game [0000000000000000] [v0].nsp` - `Awesome title [0000000000000000][v0] (15Gb).nsz`

๐Ÿ™ Credits

I would like to give back thanks to the people who helped me with or without knowing!

๐Ÿค Contributors

Rรฉmy Boulanouar
Helvio Pedreschi