DeadpoolAndObjectOrientedProgramming / icectf-2016

IceCTF 2016 repo
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Ice CTF 2016

A discussion/solution repo for Ice CTF 2016

If you're visiting from outside the team, feel free to look at the issues, especially the closed ones, to see how the repo was used for the competition.

How to use

Parking challenges

If you want to take a break from a challenge, make sure you unassign yourself from the issue and doing a 'braindump' comment is encouraged. All info that you have on the challenge may be useful for other team members if they take a look at the challenge.

Closing issues

When a challenge is finished, make sure to close the issue and update the description with the found flag. If you discovered some useful tools in this challenge, make sure to add the to the wiki, with a little description on how it works and how it was useful. It might be helpful for other challenges down the line.