Debagnik / project-walnut

A Blogging Site for small businesses and news outlets, packed with administrative features
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blog ejs express hacktoberfest mongodb nodejs simple-app startup webapp

Blog Site

Welcome to the Blog Site project. It is a simple webapp for small-startups to post their blogs, or news outlets for publishing news article


Technologies Used


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd Blog-Site
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Configure the environment variables:
    • Create a .env file and add your MongoDB URI and any other required configurations as below.
      MONGO_DB_URI=mongodb://username:password@host/blog #Required
      PORT=80 #Optonal, defaults to 5000
      ENABLE_REGISTRATION=true #defaults to false
      SEARCH_PAGANATION_LIMIT=10 #defaults to 10
      JWT_SECRET=your-default-jwt-secrets #Required
      SESSION_SECRET=your-secure-session-secret #Required
      NODE_ENV=dev-local #Defaults to dev-local use production in production scenario
      DEFAULT_POST_THUMBNAIL_LINK=/img/placeholder.webp #Keep it as is
  5. Start the application:
    npm start

    or on Developer machine

    npm run dev



I welcome all enhancement and bugfix and issue reports. Please feel free to contibute If you are interested in contributing to this project:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a branch from the latest release.
  3. Submit your pull request against the release branch.
  4. Please also label your PR (enhancement for adding features, Bugfix for for bug fixing PRs) PS: You contribution will be reviewed by codeRabbitAi and it's tone of review will be bit harsh I made it to sound like a Tsundere, but it sometimes come of rude.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For any questions or concerns, you can reach out at


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