DeclanB1 / Agile-Web-Development

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SportsSync Application

Purpose of SportsSync

We were tired of the constant back and forth trying to find a substitute to fill in for our social sports team at UWA and having to fork out hefty forfeit fees. To eliminate this hassle, we created SportsSync, making it easier for teams to find substitutes and manage their events seamlessly.

SportsSync is a web-based platform, created using Flask, designed to connect sports enthusiasts by allowing them to browse, join, and create sports events in their community. It enables users to tailor their experience through customisable profiles and facilitates easy communication and management of events. This solution addresses the need for a centralised location where athletes of all levels can find and organise sports activities according to their preferences and skill levels.

Group Members

Student Name Student Number Github Username
Lauren Hart 23164229 lauhart
Declan Barrett 23074941 DeclanB1
Edward Le 23020568 edwardisintou
Matthew Chew 22974046 mattcw9090

SportsSync Architecture

Register New Account

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 27 25 pm

Note: not all fields are necessary some are optional for the user, and can be editted later on


User is directed to Login Page

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 27 55 pm

User is logged in (Introductory View is displayed)

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 44 16 pm

Browse Events (Find Requests View)

Click "Browse Events" from the navigation bar

User can browse all existing event request posts

Note: User does not need to be logged in to view this page


By clicking on details, user can view specific event request details

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 30 01 pm

Post New Event (Create Requests View)

Click "Post New Event" from the navigation bar

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 33 44 pm

Update User Profile (eg. add Profile Picture)

Click "My Profile" from the Navigation Bar

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 34 24 pm

Click on Profile Picture to edit

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 34 48 pm

Select "Choose File", followed by Uploaded Picture

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 2 35 52 pm

Note: User can also update their profile information

Update/Delete Existing Event

User can view, update or delete their existing events


Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to get the Flask application running locally on your machine:

  1. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment Open your terminal and run the following commands:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install Required Dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Create Secret Key

    a) Create new file called ".env"

    b) Generate unique secret key in the terminal

import os

c) Save generated secret key to variable SECRET_KEY in .env

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 2 50 10 pm

Sample SECRET_KEY saved to .env file

  1. Navigate the Source Directory
cd src
  1. Launch Application
python3 #run with debug mode on


flask run #run with debug mode off

How to run Tests

cd src
python -m unittest                                                     

HTML and CSS Validation

The application automatically generates HTML files for validation purposes. Follow these steps to validate the HTML and CSS files:

  1. Run the Application

    Follow the steps in the "Quick Start Guide" to launch the application.

  2. Generate HTML Files for Validation

    The code is set up to generate HTML files in the html_generated_files_for_validation directory each time a page is rendered. These files can be used for validation.

  3. Validate HTML and CSS

    Upload the generated HTML files to these websites and review the validation results.