Deeachain / Segmentation-Pytorch

Semantic Segmentation in Pytorch. Network include: FCN、FCN_ResNet、SegNet、UNet、BiSeNet、BiSeNetV2、PSPNet、DeepLabv3_plus、 HRNet、DDRNet
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Update log

1. Display (Cityscapes)

Average results
Class results1
Class results2
Class results3

2. Install

pip install -r requirements.txt
Experimental environment:

3. Model

All the modeling is done in builders/

Model Backbone Val mIoU Test mIoU Imagenet Pretrain Pretrained Model
PSPNet ResNet 50 76.54% - PSPNet
DeeplabV3+ ResNet 50 77.78% - DeeplabV3+
DDRNet23_slim - DDRNet23_slim_imagenet
DDRNet23 - DDRNet23_imagenet
DDRNet39 - 79.63% - DDRNet39_imagenet DDRNet39

Updating more model.......

4. Data preprocessing

This project enables you to expose data sets: CityscapesISPRS
The data set is uploaded later .....
Cityscapes data set preparation is shown here:

4.1 Download the dataset

Download the dataset from the link on the website, You can get *leftImg8bit.png suffix of original image under folder leftImg8bit, a) *color.pngb) *labelIds.pngc) *instanceIds.png suffix of fine labeled image under folder gtFine.

*leftImg8bit.png          : the origin picture
a) *color.png             : the class is encoded by its color
b) *labelIds.png          : the class is encoded by its ID
c) *instanceIds.png       : the class and the instance are encoded by an instance ID

4.2 Onehot encoding of label image

The real label gray scale image Onehot encoding used by the semantic segmentation task is 0-18, so the label needs to be encoded. Using scripts dataset/cityscapes/cityscapes_scripts/ to process the image and get the result *labelTrainIds.png. usage: Modify 486 lines `Cityscapes_path'is the path to store your own data.

4.3 Generate image path


5. How to train


5.1 Parameters

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 \
       --model PSPNet_res50 --out_stride 8 \
                --max_epochs 200 --val_epochs 20 --batch_size 4 --lr 0.01 --optim sgd --loss ProbOhemCrossEntropy2d \
                --base_size 768 --crop_size 768  --tile_hw_size 768,768 \
                --root '/data/open_data' --dataset cityscapes --gpus_id 1,2

6. How to validate
