DeepDiveR is an R package to prepare input for running DeepDive in Python.
Note: The DeepDiveR package is under active developement. The version used in our application note is available on this branch.
You can install DeepDiveR directly in an R console by using the devtools library as below. Make sure you have R version 4.4.1 or above installed on your computer:
An alternative branch can be installed by specifying the branch to install:
remotes::install_github("DeepDive-project/DeepDiveR", ref = "application_note")
The functions in DeepDiveR assume input data to be organised by columns with a "Taxon", discrete "Area", "MinAge", "MaxAge" and "Locality" identifier for each fossil occurrence. Please carry out any extra cleaning steps, such as removal of duplicate occurrences, prior to use of the data preparation function.
You can read more about following functions using ?function_name_here.
Data preparation: prep_dd_input
Generates a .csv file containing information about the time bins, counts of localities per time bin per region and counts of occurrences per taxa through time in each region. If using age replicates these are also saved in the same file.
Create a configuration file: create_config
Generates a .ini file of settings for analyses that will be executed in step 3. Setting modules to false will remove stages of analyses from the pipeline, by default the full pipeline will be run. For arguments see ?create_config
Settings not included in the arguments for create_config can be updated using:
edit_config(config, module = "module_where_parameter_is_stored", parameter = "parameter_you_want_to_set", value = "updated_parameter_value")
For arguments see ?edit_config
The configuration file is saved using:
config$write(paste(path_dat, "config.ini", sep="/"))
python your_path/config_file.ini
You can additionally specify a working directory where all output files are saved and the number of CPUs used for the parallelized simulations, which will overwrite the corresponding settings in the configuration file, using the flags
-wd your\_working\_directory
and e.g. -cpu 64.
This script will create a "simulations" folder containing the training and test sets, and a "trained_models" folder containing the trained models and plots of the training history. This folder will additionally include plots comparing the empirical and simulated fossil features (e.g. number of occurrences through time and per area, number of localities, fraction of singletons, and sampled diversity), CSV files with the predicted diversity trajectories for the test set and for the empirical dataset, and a plot of the estimated diversity trajectory.