Deimos-Phrixus / marathondraw

Multiplayer pictionary game where AI guesses your drawings. Used a subset of Google's Quickdraw dataset to trian a classification model (>75% accuracy) that is used in the AI to guess players' drawings.
0 stars 0 forks source link
game javascript keras machine-learning p5js python sockets


Running the project:

You will need python 3+ version installed. Also recommended to use viritual env to install the modules to run the project. You can do so by doing this:

> python -m venv venv # creates a venv folder, use python3 instead of python if u have python2 installed as well
> venv\Scripts\activate # to activate the venv, 
> deactivate # use this when u want to stop using venv

To install libraries, u can use the requirements list or specify them yourself

> pip install -r requirements.txt

Now you can run the servers on different tabs:

> python # this will start the frontend pages as live server on multiple ports
> python # starts the game server